I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

12 :canada: medals now, still 100% won by women.


crazy 100m butterfly. The Hungarian last 50m were inhuman. Dressel set a new world record and somehow he was closing in on him.

Elvira! Belarus <3

800 meters of swimming is insane.


These Olympics haven’t had a lot of doping bans so far that I’ve seen.

love the interviews post-competition. charming, smart, healthy. great examples on the meta tip

I know everyone has seen this by now, but holy fuck.


NZ Women in trouble vs Fiji in Rugby Sevens semi. This would be an insane boilover. Fiji not nearly as strong in women’s as men’s.

That is pretty insane. Amazingly, I think Adam Peaty has even more than that, IIRC.

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Mixed medley swimming coming up. Should be interesting tactically, although seems like teams are just selecting their world record holders in their own stroke, like Aus have a female doing Freestyle but then USA a male (which seems possibly lower EV given the gap between genders in freestyle speeds are lowest of all strokes iirc).

fun race.

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Yeah US fucked it swimming male freestyle.

Edit: lost goggles on one leg actually would have probably damaged them as well.

Seems not ideal to be so far behind trying to catch up in all that chop.

Come on American women’s water polo, I mean beating the refugee team by 12? Is it not enough they’re refugees?

the competition is divided into two - snatch followed by clean & jerk.
each lifter has 3 attempts in each, he can choose whatever weight he wants to start with. You can change it as you go

also the competition is divided into the “just be happy you got a ticket to japan” group and the “boy that’s a lot of kilograms i wish i knew the metric system” group that actually wins the medals. Technically group a can win the medals (it actually happened this week when an Indonesian from group B won a bronze medal) but it’s unlikely.

right now it’s the government sponsored trip to japan group.

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it happens in the top group as well. Right now the live event are two group B (the low group) in two different weight classes. The actual medal competition will be later tonight, even though technically these guys can win medals. They just won’t.

Damn, Yuv. Do you do anything besides watch the Olympics these days? What kind of viewing hours are you logging?

And since who goes when is done by which weight you intend to lift, and you can’t lower weight ever, the favourite (aka anyone from China) often doesn’t start lifting till way late in the comp.

Is this weightlifting live or just some NBC replays?

Seems similar to high jump/pole vault, where you get three misses but can start at any height you want, except I guess in the jumping you can bail from a height after a miss and just try to go higher on your next attempt