I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

So fix the rule. I don’t really care what the rule is, just that it’s enforced properly and consistently.

It’s stupid to have a rule that has a clearly objective metric (like 10 seconds for a free throw), and then not call it.

BMX in that form should be banned. Like every race had multiple people going down with potentially life-threatening crashes. One U.S. rider who crashed is going to be in the ICU for 2-3 days, and hospitalized for a week. Others already mentioned the brain-damaged Australian.

Sure, other sports have had people die or get permanently disabled, but not in every heat. At least reduce the size of the field, or change to a dirt track. Something. :scream:

Edit: It goes without saying that “sports” like boxing and MMA should be banned or modified/ritualized beyond recognition, like fencing and judo. How about AR boxing?

Every sport is like this. If they called holding every play, NFL would be unwatchable. If they called 3 seconds every play, lol NBA.

A big reason they never call 10 seconds on free throws (except twice on Giannis in the playoffs for some reason) is that refs don’t want to accidentally blow the whistle in 9.x seconds. They don’t have a timer - they just count on their heads, so they err on the side of caution and will give 12-13 seconds just to be safe.

Also, it’s a dumb rule.

Because if the shot is saved in #2, you won’t be able to see any potential rebound shots live.

Well, that would explain a lot.

I found that quite surprising as well.

All Times Eastern

Track Schedule(Eastern Time)



That was a great match.

Here’s one thing I was wondering about after seeing that. In the past I remember most (or at least many) Chinese players using that weird pen grip on the paddle. Is that something that has fallen out of favor?

Right, but there are no rebounds in penalty shootouts. The 45-degree angle is fine for in-game penalties. Although you could still do the head-on angle and just zoom out a bit.

If memory serves, the Euro championship had the head on angle for the shootout between England and Italy. Or at least my broadcast did.

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Free throw shot clock. They already have a shot clock clearly visible to the players.

Of course they should use the losing price is right sound instead of the buzzer.

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What “channel” is this stuff on and how am I supposed to watch it? I want to see live action and have a strong Bob Costas allergy.


All the cool kids are VPNing Canadian streams.

Well it’s the funk elastic, the blunt I twist it
The slammafied, Buddha-fied funk women’s discus

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Yes I smoke shit, straight off the roach clip

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I feel like I am kind of tapped out on streams due to MLB. I have YoutubeTV on a smart TV but I turn on NBC and it’s endless human interest fluff pieces.

Yeah, I’m not motivated enough to stream either (for different reasons).

I just set the DVR to record and start watching about 2 hrs in. Just fast forward through all the fluff. Not objectively as good as streams, but good enough for me.

A TV commentator was fired for saying South Korean table-tennis Olympians had eyes so ‘narrow’ he couldn’t understand ‘how they can see the ball’