I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

Imagine not watching it on cbc

Lydia Jacoby from Alaska wins Gold in the 100m!


Well let’s start with the fact that the first men’s gold medal was awarded because the opponent received 3 shidos for what appeared to be the most minor of infractions. Somehow that doesn’t seem right.

Super cool. The reaction of her classmates. Mosh pit

UK, USA vs South Africa at rugby 7s on now, let’s goooooooooo

Maybe, but you still understood what was happening. I dont think they suppose to distinguish between the first shido in the qualifier to the 3rd shido in a finals.

Just tuned in to see USA rugby player has a glorious mullet.

Mullet dude from Indiana scores, excellent showing from the Midwest.

Is there no sumo in this thing?

The sumo digression was yesterday, dude.

Rugby very enjoyable despite the fact I have no idea what’s going on. US defender just seemed like he lackadaisically let the South African guy score?

Not sure how much of an upset it is, but Japan just defeated France in women’s basketball–something the US men’s team could not do.

It’s just football with no forward passes.

That dude’s body just broke

Japan women’s team looked good in 3 on 3 basketball. Not sure how good they are at the regular team game.

Like I said, it’s just like football.

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Fencing just looks ridiculous. They took something awesome like swordfighting and made it lame. Kendo should be an olympic sport.

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Just in case anyone is interested in watching Judo (which is one of my fav sports in the olympics), here is a very dumbed down guide:

There are two offensive scores - Wazari and Ippon

Wazari can be dumbed down to “almost ippon”. It is mainly throws where the opponent hits the mat with their shoulders. Alternatively a wazari is awarded for pinning your opponent on the mat for 10-19 seconds. Two Wazari’s = Ippon.

An Ippon wins the match immediately. You get an ippon for throwing your opponent flat on his back, pinning your opponent for 20 seconds or getting a submission via strangle or arm lock

A match is 5 minutes for men, 4 for women. If the match is tied we go to golden score where a wazari will immediately win the match. No time limit.

The confusing element are Shidos. Basically like yellow cards in soccer. You get them for various infractions. Mostly being extra passive, using false attacks, gripping with no intention of attacking, dangerous grips etc. There are many rules like any sports.

Shidos do not matter unless you get 3 of them, at that point you lose the match.


I’m sure I don’t recognize the skill involved. But the way they’re dancing around without any apparent rhythm or strategy reminds me of my kids fighting each other with plastic lightsabers.

Fencing is a no for me, dawg.

I feel like it would be a lot of fun to fence against a fellow complete noob. But as a spectator sport…yeah…