I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

Do we think Adam Peaty can swim 100m free faster than he can 100m breaststroke?

When he was 14, a friend took Peaty to join City of Derby Swimming Club, but the coach at the club, former Olympic swimmer Melanie Marshall, was not impressed by Peaty’s performance in the freestyle and put him in the slow lane with younger girls.[12] However, she noticed “something special” the first time she saw him swim breaststroke.[13][14] According to Peaty, he did not take swimming seriously until he was 17 – he was preparing for a night out drinking with friends when he read that Craig Benson, whom he knew well from the junior circuit, made the semi-final of the 100m breaststroke at the 2012 London Olympics. This prompted him to reassess his priorities, and spurred him on to commit fully to swimming and train full-time.

I did not know 13-year-olds could compete in the Olympics.

Babies are fucking strong for their size. Trying to think of some Olympic sport that could take advantage of that.

13 year olds win gold and silver in womens skateboarding!

These Japanese girls look 10 years old.

This nearly broke the youngest gold medalist of all time. If I remember right the youngest gold medalist of all time was someone in rowing that didn’t even row. Just some shrimp in the front of the ship to call out if the ship was going sideways.

Youngest in these games was 12 years old from Syria in table tennis

That’s called the coxswain sir. It’s an important role filled by very very diminutive people.

Unless you want to get into USC or UCLA, then it matters if your mom is Lori Laughlin.


Fun fact: their little squawk box that they use to yell at the rowers to “GIVE ME A POWER 10!” is called a cox-box.

I was really rooting for ROOS ZWETSLOOT.


The fencing announcers are terrible. It’s almost impossible to follow, and the announcers don’t bother to explain anything (other than saying who got the point). I feel it could be cool if they broke down some of the points in slow-motion and showed us why the attack was successful. Maybe they just assume the only people watching are hard core fencing fans? That is the only explanation I have.


50-year-olds doing the skateboarding would be hilarious. They’d all be out after one fall.

fencing among woat olympics watching experience. always has been.

in other exciting news, israeli judoka advances to the final 16 after his Sudanese opponent refuses to fight.

Luka has 15 points already

It happens a lot. Most arab countries refuse to let their athletes compete against Israelis. Really heart breaking for the athletes

She was so consistent in the prelims I thought she was taking it easy. She landed 3 different grinds on the big rail, and just didnt hit it at all int he final, alas

31 at the half

Luka 40+ pts and Slovenia win was 17-1

Edit: Kicking myself for only betting $5

how can luis scola still be playing

Mountain bike racing looks absolutely brutal, but also kind of fun.