I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

Ecuador bailed on him, that was rude

Might see a sprint for silver

Wow 1st crushed it. 2-9 was a bit of a crapshoot. Cya tomorrow night

wow 2nd and 3rd place was absurdly close

That was fun.
Onto Canada getting an easy win in Soccer.

Israeli judoka woman on to the bronze medal fight.

I think they have two bronze medals in judo in each weight class which seems like cheating

Wake me up the next fierce-looking Asian woman wearing a tight space-age uniform, crazy shades and a Gilligan hat - while coolly wielding a deadly weapon.

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That ended poorly

First big swimming fail. Daiya Seto, favorite in the 400IM for the men didn’t go hard enough during his heats and failed to qualify for the final

Gold and Silver for Japan men’s and women’s lightweight judo, and now leads the overall medal count with two!

I don’t understand Judo in the slightest

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try taekwondo which i’m watching right now. it’s judo without any logic or action

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Stupid argument with friends last night. We are all middle aged, slightly over weight, close to zero athletic people. Debate erupted if one of us could do an iron cross if given 6 months to train? I said close to zero chance but most people thought it was pretty easy. Am I nuts?

israeli 19 year old girl wins bronze medal in slow kicks to the head competition!

just our 10th medal ever

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Flipping around to find some Olympics to watch and sees women’s beach volleyball. Get stuck watching for an hour. I am such a stereotype!

Geez… A horrendous error for the Japanese football woman’s team :woman_facepalming:

Dam… Wanted them to win too. :cry:

I like your side by a significant margin.

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Let me know how much money I can bet against these guys.

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Seems cool that Japan wins their signature sport in Japan.

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When did they make sumo an Olympic sport?

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