I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

Fading fast but kinda feeling plot committed with the cycling. Got it recorded just in case I don’t make it. 54k to go.

Yeah I’ll switch over to the Men’s Cycling Road Race when the Finals of the Mixed Team Archery is over

(sentences I only say during Olympics)


Mexican dude just got a 2 in archery? Is that pretty rare? Especially considering this is a medal match.

Hey Djoko is currently playing tennis in front of a pretty much empty crowd. Every other thing I’ve watched hasn’t really seemed weird. Djoko in front of practically no crowd does seem weird though.

No crowds allowed

yeah massive massive massive choke job

6 would already a massive choke

yeah I know, but first event where I’ve really felt it

Then they come back with 10s, the nerves are real.

Mexico only medaled 5x last games (no golds) so this would be pretty big.

Pogacar, an American and a Canadian trying to break away. Exciting

I think it would suck for track and field

yeah were getting there

pretty crazy to come back after a 2, definitely requires some duplicate choke from Turkey

That seemed wild, wish I knew archery better.

Jesus what a sick set

Some clutch shooting by both Netherlands and South Korea. Well played both. Now to see where this road race is…

yeah, even after watching archery 18 minutes later…you should know how fucking bad a 2 is, and how crazy it is to comeback from it…

Yah, almost inconceivable.

Ok I’m hooked, and some interesting storylines developing like whether that American guy can break up the Korean 1-2-3.

Mexican women maybe have an outside shot to beat the Korean women since it looked like the Mexican woman carried their team a bit to bronze and has a teammate who is solid.

Great format too as it’s quick moving and short matches.

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Alright…this fucking bike race still has me.

But I’m calling it after this. Some biker just called it because of cramps

No idea the strategy, but is this Belgian dude getting massively screwed cuz it seems like he has to do all the work closing up on the leaders?

USA guy in a 1v1 for gold would also be cool.

5.5km to go in the bike race

USA guy fading a bit