I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

Even if the US was the host country, the American coverage would still be absolute garbage.

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NBC just going to show reruns of the opening ceremony all night while dozens of events are going on.

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Currently tuned into Japan’s medal hopefuls in mixed-doubles ping pong!

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3 on 3 basketball is legit. Would love to see some NBA players in it.

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Looks like you have to use Peacock to be able to see anything

There is cycling on USA.

fwiw any free vpn with a canada server can get you the Canadian olympics coverage which as stated is far better than NBC. You do not get universal healthcare with it tho

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Fucking hell.

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140km to go in cycling, when’s the time to tune in for the finish?

USA women’s water polo starts in 10 on NBCSN, they’ve won gold the last 2 Olympics

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The athletes will be lucky if it’s “only” up to 90 (and humid) throughout these games.

I’ve been in Tokyo during this time of the year and just walking feels like death.

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This isn’t the best pic. But that Indonesian archer in her shades made it move.

And dude on the left was just cool as a cucumber the whole match.

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108 to go 40 minutes later…

Olympics already has its grasp on me that I’m considering staying up for this…

Really? It seems like 90% of her body is covered by multiple layers of clothing. I’d be surprised if you could pick her out of a lineup in some casual street clothes.

The elbows however are perfect. Maybe that was it.

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I love chicks in uniform, which was still tight enough to reveal lots of curves in the right places. The hot shades and Gilligan hat put it over the top. Also both of them hitting 10s in the lightning round was pretty badass.

On an unrelated note, was it just me, or was it hard to tell exactly where the arrows hit. Because of the shadows and camera angle, I’d see something that I thought looked like a 7 and they would say it was a 9. It took me pretty much the whole match to calibrate.

Missed this because of MrsWookie’s insistence on watching the rebroadcast of the opening ceremonies, but I am HERE for any and all water polo content, especially if it involves the USA

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Yeah I had to listen to the announcer to figure out where the arrows hit.

63.5 km to go hour later…

so ending at least 430 AM here…

Yeah not finishing this.

But at the same point commentary here is “you gotta get hydration right here or you aren’t finishing this”

Also there are cars with fresh bikes on top of them following if they want to change to a fresh bike

There is a fair share of craziness in this endurance race

Gonna be a long Olympics for ol Suzz :smile: . Some of the most stunning women in the world competing and already blowing his load at the first meh woman he sees.

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The race is starting to pick up now.