I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

This lead to a dq like the guy at the last Olympics in the gold medal final?

I watched some breaking expecting to hate it, but I actually quite liked it. I wouldn’t say it’s the non-Olympic sport that most merits inclusion, but it’s a lot better than horse dancing.


Ah okay… thanks for clearing that up.



“We love it even more because we want it to realize the dreams of the Founders.”

Trying to remember the quote from the Declaration of Independence, it went something like

all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, the pursuit of Happiness, and the Domination of Other Countries in Sports We Invented

Can I interest y’all in a short film where normies climb to the top of a 10M diving platform and have to decide if they will jump?


In college we would jump off a 50-60 foot train bridge and off the side of fairly tall waterfall. Definitely not our smartest moments.

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This was a requirement at the Air Force Academy. One of our freshman PE classes was swimming, then sophomore year the required PE class was water survival, which included jumping off the 10m platform.

I swam competitively from K-12, so I was able to test out of the freshman course. (Yay free time!) but still had to do water survival.

It was basically a rite of passage at the AFA, and lots of folks were absolutely terrified

Let’s say I offer you $1000 to jump off a 10 m platform into a regulation Olympic diving pool. No practice. You have to do it in the next couple of hours. Let’s assume the location is close and easy to get to from wherever you are.

  • I would jump off a 10m platform for $1000
  • I would not jump off a 10m platform for $1000
0 voters

Jump off into what?


Regulation Olympic diving pool

Sorry if that was unclear. Will edit poll

I figured, but saw an opportunity to be cheeky.

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I would, for sure.

Before i ruptured my ear drum and gave myself a phobia of going underwater that would be the easiest $1k ever. Now i’m not doing it, i won’t even dunk my head under water in a pool anymore.

It’s scary as shit the first time you’re up there but for $1k I’d absolutely jump.

On our Grand Canyon Rafting trip we probably did a 40-45 foot cliff jump into the Colorado River that was scary but thrilling.

Considering I’ve already done it for “free”, easy yea


Assuming there’s ~0 safety risk even from my being an uncoordinated idiot (like I think I can manage not to belly flop pretty easily, I’d nerdily hold my nose and try to stay pencil straight), I’d do it, but only because $1k would kinda come in handy at the moment. If I had massive spare cash right now then I’m out, it’s not worth the unplesantness.

I probably should have exempted all the non-first timers.

I think I’d want to do it for $1K, but I don’t think I could.

I don’t think you can assume that. Pretty sure you could die if you land wrong. You could also break bones and sustain all sorts of other injuries. Risk is low, but it’s definitely possible.

The weirdest part about jumping from this height the first time is the breathing. You’re probably not prepared for how long it takes to hit the water. It’s nothing you can’t do, just saying it will probably be a surprise