I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

Refs getting a little sus here.

Def some home cooking for the hosts. The last two calls were bullshit.



dribbling off your foot is not a kickball

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True, but a couple minutes ago a French player got hit on the head on a layup, no call, and led directly to a 3 the other way. Pretty big swing. Officials have been mediocre both ways.

What sucks is the women are going to catch so much more shit than the men would have for losing.

Yep. I hope we win just so we don’t get a week of Caitlin Clark takes…

As they should.

3 of the 5 All NBA 1st team players are foreigners.

This French team has 0 WNBA players.

lolol Wilson going to save the ball b/c she knows she hit it last. Officials say nope, off France.

They’re not going to catch more shit because of a statistical discrepancy in talent. It’s because they’re a group of mostly black women.

And I think the announcer just said they have a bunch of players who didn’t return to the WNBA this season so they could train together.


I mean, that would suck if true, but the men’s team had 0 white players and the women have a couple white players playing big minutes.

While it is amazing, I couldn’t help but notice on that last 3, KD and Lebron standing all alone for a wide open 3 and plenty of time on the shot clock. Not a fan of that shot.

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These teams are a combined 8-46 from three.

tUSAWbb won’t catch more shit because USA cares about Women’s Basketball about 10% as much as Mens

Great recovery by Stewart.

Tremendous game.


Oh no, that’s just a sick ending

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Damn, brutal