How do we attract new users?

Cool. Excited to see what it is. I’m a podcast obsessive. I listen to more than 30 weekly.

Somebody over there called me out in a thread by my user name on this site yesterday. And I’ve barely posted over there at all recently.


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Thats not too bad. If they average an hour and you have a job that allows the ability to listen the majority of the day, that would basically get you through the week.

If you have something like The Lapsed Fan in there, then youre doing some heavy lifting.

I listen at 1.75 too.

We could wear Unstuck Politics T-Shirts


Is Walrus a thing outside of the old forum? I feel like that and similar games (celebrity death pool maybe?) may be a good way to get people interested. Not entirely sure where you find people but it’s an interesting hook.

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Change thread title to “How do we get rid of new users?”


Define “new”

If it’s “anyone who joined after me” then I will second the motion :grinning:

I just saw this for the first time. It is good work.


If I apply that standard I will be very, very lonely.

No one said irrational ethics would be easy


When new users show up you should have existing users be as rude and inconsiderate as possible and grill them about their full name. Who is microbe? I don’t know, but apparently he or she wants a DNA sample from me before we are allowed to politely discuss politics.

How did you find this website?

(I ask in a genuine, polite, gentle manner. Good sir or madam, I do not intend to bully you with my question).

Thank you good sir or madam. Someone showed me a couple tweets and pointed me here.

People being rude to me on 2p2 and seeing others get dunked on too has helped me change my political views for the better.

Bullying works.


I have been thinking a lot about this.

I think we should eliminate bans of any kind.

Use the ignore function. Keep activating it as often as needed.

If someone is truly a bad fit for the community, it’s not the poster and it’s not the content and it’s not the community.

It’s the language.

That’s right. No more bans. Instead, anyone who would be banned is instead sent to French BBV, where everything is exactly the same. Mais en francais.

The old Joe Rogan message board basically used a system like this, some people who were huge assholes would get banned but everyone else would just get contained to a subforum until they could show they’d improved their posting.


That place is a toilet.

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Don’t worry, it got the 2+2 Politics forum treatment a couple years ago.