Home improvement

Anyone have any idea what the problem is here:

I had a space heater hooked up to an outlet for a couple of hours. Then it stops working. After checking things out, it looks like the outlet is dead. The circuit breaker didn’t trip. What happened?

Could be a ground fault if there’s a GFCI on the circuit. I there a little button on one of the outlets on that circuit? If so push it.

I’ll look around. Everything else on that circuit seems to be working fine, though. At least everything that is physically close to it (I guess I’m not sure which circuit it is on). It’s just the one outlet. And it doesn’t have a GFCI on it.

I barely have a basic toolbox.

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OK, I’ll guess I’ll have a look. There are only a couple that I am aware of and I think power everywhere else in the house is working fine.

Ok all other GFCI outlets that I am aware of are working properly.

Has anyone “fixed” their low humidity home? I have a big humidifier and it still struggles to get about 35 in the winter and eats filters.

Yeah, I’m definitely at the electrician point right now. I almost never use that outlet for anything, so it’s not exactly important, but it’s annoying.

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I have one attached to my furnace/main HVAC system that works well but you can’t really keep the humidity that high in our cold ass winters unless you want condensation and moisture everywhere. Maybe if you have amazing insulation/home sealing/windows you could run it higher but that’s probably the not the case for most of us.

Have a link to whoever did it for you? Thats what I was thinking anyways. All of my windows have been replaced so should be fine. When the bay window with the rock finally happens :expressionless:

it was already in the house when we bought, it’s an ancient Aprilaire system. I’m guessing any HVAC company will do an install.

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This problem has @Rivaldo written all over it.

Sounds like you need a flapper ball replacement. You can get one on Amazon. I just replaced one of mine yesterday. You can get universal ones that fit any type of connection. Yours appears to be hard plastic, mine was rubber and you just pull it off easy peasy. If you google your toilet type or model, there should be youtube videos for it. If it connects all the way around, then you must be able to pull the pins to get it out. Turn off the water to the tank and flush it and you can explore better. It would be a pretty shitty design if you had to replace both A and B when the flapper starts leaking.

eta: congrats on a pretty clean tank lol

They generally come in 2" or 3" sizes. You measure from the base of the ball on the old one to determine what you need. You can google how to measure flapper balls and get all kinds of picture etc.


right. my hunch is that that 1 is a 3"

fluidmaster is a good brand. fluidmaster universal 3" flapper

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Update: I found a GFCI outlet that is on the same circuit. It is actually quite far away so I didn’t think to look there. I have tried resetting it multiple times and it still doesn’t work (there are 3 outlets on that circuit that I have been able to identify and all are dead). Looked at the circuit breaker box again and nothing is tripped.


I guess I’ll look into that. I didn’t notice anything when I looked.

I can get it to click, but it still doesn’t work. There is nothing plugged into the circuit anywhere that I can see. But it’s possible there is something on the circuit that I’m not aware of (I didn’t even know this GFCI was on the same circuit)

Yeah, that’s my guess.

Sounds like electrician time.

I just ran into a similar issue Melkerson except everything on the circuit is now dead and doesn’t work. Had my TV on, computer running while gaming, space heater on and then my wife plugged the iron in, a couple minutes later the power goes out to that room and the room next to it. Looked at what I’m assuming are the proper breakers (the labeling sucks so not 100% sure), they weren’t tripped but I reset them anyway, still nothing. Unplugged stuff from every outlet in the rooms and reset the breakers, nothing. Checked the outlets with a voltage testing pen and none in the area have power. Don’t see any burn marks on the outlet covers or anything, didn’t smell smoke or burning plastic.

Really baffling to me and my dad who is my go to handyman fix everything guy. He checked the circuit breaker itself and it is drawing 120 volts when turned on so it would appear to not have failed but nothing works. Luckily there is nothing critical running on these but I guess I’ll have to get someone out here. But our household is on the back end of positive COVID cases so that wouldn’t be a good idea, god houses suck sometimes

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