Home improvement

I need curtains for a living room window approx. 92" x 50" and a deck/patio door that swings open on one side and solid on the other side about 84" x 76". All the rods I see need a middle support so I couldn’t just slide everything on the deck door curtains all the way to the side. I don’t want the cheesy apartment blinds and not sure what to get. Recommendations? Right now I have a tapestry over the deck door lol.

Not necessarily on a budget but I do rent so they won’t be permanent or will be left behind. The managers of the place I rent said they would put some in but are douchebags.

Why do you need to slide them to just one side? The rod should be long enough to slide the door half to the door side without blocking it.

You are right but I’d like to have to have them all the way to the right because having them on the left interferes with the wandering in and out of the deck. I’ll take a photo.

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I saw some of those after my og post. Tapestry again is tempting.

Still don’t really see a problem with sliding one side to the left, other than covering the switches, but who cares about that?

It’s in the middle of an area where people walk from living room to kitchen to deck area. The left is a common walking area and the right corner is perfect for slapping the curtains all over to the side when we are on the deck.

I’ve found that conduit will do it if I want to go that route.

That might be a great option actually. Seems like more work but I could slide them all to the corner without a middle support. Thx!

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More toilet problems. So we’ve had two of our three toilets replaced in the last year - one just stopped working for no apparent reason and the other one’s tank cracked and forced us to redo our bathroom since it leaked everywhere - while the third one had oleander roots growing into it and had to be reseated. One of the replaced toilets has been getting brown under the water line, which I presume are dissolved chemicals coming back up and into the bowl and staining it. Do I need to do anything about this or is it just an annoyance? I haven’t been able to find much information about it online and I don’t know if we need to replace the pipes or something.

I’m embarrassed to post this (and in a thread I’ve clearly never read before because I am so bad at handymanning), but…

I was changing out a light from my son’s ceiling:

Instead of just popping out the bulb, because I’m an idiot, I accidentally pulled out the whole fixture:


Now, I can’t figure out how to put it back up and make it stay flush (or really, even just stay at all). I am assuming the “wings” are supposed to do something that I currently am unable to make them do, at least partly because I have no idea what I’m supposed to do.


Any tips? Or, any advice on what I even try to google here to find instructions or a vid or something?

Thanks kindly for any help.

Do those wings want to exert force down? Might be that you need to snap them closed from the attic side.

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No, they just flop. The only tension I can see (but can’t figure out how to use) is the paper clip-style tension of the small and big wings.

@mjiggy whatever is causing the stain is likely coming from the tank, not the bowl. It would be extremely unlikely for anything to come up out of the sewer. The stains you’re describing are most often from toilets that aren’t used very frequently.

@MimosaDef those clips are supposed to be spring loaded. You’ve managed to either break or dislodged the spring mechanism when removing it.

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It’s a new toilet that is used all the time. The stains are easy to remove but the toilet keeps slowly filling with it after being cleaned.

I’ll take a look but again, it’s a new toilet, less than a year old.

Infrequent use is often the cause, but not the only one. Whatever it is, I can assure you it’s 99% coming from the tank and not below. You’re probably imagining some toxic quagmire under your toilet, but it’s just empty pipes. If they were full of things that could seep back up you’d have much bigger problems than staining.

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I figured it was rust from pipes breaking down but that doesn’t seem to likely anymore based on the conversation so far. I guess check the tank and go from there? Also it’s most likely nbd and just an eyesore then correct?

Correct. Your toilet may not look exactly like this, but this is how it works. You add water to the bowl from the tank, it flows up over the top of the trap, and then falls down an empty pipe into the sewer. There’s just no real way for things to come up from below.


But my next question is what, if anything, do I do about it?