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Look up in thread. Zizack answered me on this but I couldn’t figure out his suggested fix. I might be dumb though. Lol

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If you have tracking protection on in your browser you can try whitelisting and This works for me on maybe half the twitter videos in Firefox, but not the rest. If I use Chrome with no extensions or custom settings they all show up. ymmv

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Annoying possibly new? problem I’m noticing, sometimes when I edit a post and save, it rockets me back like a hundred posts in the thread, anyone else seeing this?

I’m still seeing it.

Worked for me. You have an adblocker or some other add on interfering, most likely.

I don’t think any. Ublock Origin is turned off for this site.

You may need to whitelist Twitter too, like I mentioned above. But again, I have never been able to get all Twitter videos to play in Firefox no matter what settings I have, just most of them.

I’ve done the bolded as well and still get that error sometimes.

It’s not the end of the world if there is no fix.

Most of the same stuff. There were twitter URLs there.


Still gave same issue when I did this.

Thanks for trying. Like I said, not a huge problem.

Try clearing your cache or restarting the browser, when I switched it went from empty frames to that “can’t play media” message and then a while later it started working.

I think it was twitter itself. Twist posted step by step instructions.

Possibly, all I did was flip the switch in gg’s screen shot.

I would be in favor of promoting another user or three to TL4 for janitorial duties.

Agree this is a good idea. Just to control derails.

are twitch streams no longer embedding because a shadowy group is purposely targeting me to keep me down? or should i use a special code address?

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it worked like a week ago

Hey guys, dumb question. I tried, but I failed. Don’t see an option in the thread. Clicked on their profile and it just gave highlights. I do not see an FAQ, which probably exists but I’m being dumb. Anyway…

How do I ignore a user?

edit: Also, can they see I’m ignoring them? Who can see? I just want them to disappear. Will I still see if people quote them? These are such FAQ questions. Sorry, I couldn’t find it.

Thank you. Please don’t put me on ignore.

I’ve also had some trouble searching for specific posts in the past and I agree that it seems like posts are not properly indexed or something leading to both false positives and false negatives as you show.

Having said that, I found your post with both of the following searches, so my conclusion is that if you can give it a little more help to narrow the search criteria, it seems to do a somewhat better job.

@goofyballer outdoor dining”
@goofyballer before:2020-06-15 dining”

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