Help Desk

I’m not on the test theme AFAIK and I see Bernie fading in and out over your oreo.

Well that would explain why I had no clue what they were talking about.

Also my home logo is gone.

Home logo still gone, Bernie still fading in and out.

OK I was on test theme for some reason. Changed it to light theme and looks good. No idea how I got on test theme. If I did it myself it was a long long time ago.

You should probably rename the variable to const isBernieBro to be more explicit.

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I saw this a couple of weeks ago and was reminded of it today and couldn’t think of a better place to put it than here - as a kind of thank you to those who put so much effort in behind the scenes here.

thanks :smiley:


I keep running out of likes and being told to wait an arbitrary amount of time to like more posts, I demand more likes.


My only reason for keeping a quota on likes is because I think it’s funny. If you want to make a change or users want to petition for one I have no objections.

I’m not clear what it is you’re trying to do that’s not working. Gif’s never have sound. It’s not supported by the file format itself and has nothing to do with us.

You had that exact video working on the demo site iirc. Not sure what’s what. I’ll poke around a bit and see what I can find.

It’s the media overlay. I just disabled it and everything works now.

Not sure why that made things not work on meta tho.

It seems kind of difficult to not annoy them on meta.

So @JohnnyTruant I guess you’re good to go? Unless we decide the media overlay is more important than basic video functionality, which seems like an easy no imo.

You’re still going to have problems with imgur because imugr sucks.

Is there a way to see who has hearted a post without hearting it myself? Asking because occasionally I see a really bad post with more than one or two hearts and I’d like to know who the other idiots are.

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It worked as described. Thanks for the practically instantaneous response.

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How do I get my WAAF back now that I am a patron?

I think your badge is the most recent group you joined, so unjoin and rejoin WAAF?