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My only options are normal and mute when I try that. Sorry if I’m doing something dumb. Technology is not my thing.

If you want a more concrete source of information on what kind of load UP in your browser is putting on your system, Windows 7 has a total CPU time used metric in the task manager.

  • Open task manager (CTRL-SHIFT-ESC)
  • Under View menu, select “Select Columns”
  • Check the CPU Time checkbox and click okay

Now you will see how much CPU time a given process uses. It would be interesting to run the comparison ZZ mentions (UP vs. default Discourse site), as well as perhaps a UP vs. a simpler static website.

Of course, I’m not sure what you’d do with that info. Maybe try Firefox?

That did it. Thanks!!

Haven’t crashed since the last one I posted 5 days ago or so I believe.

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No more "Oh Snap"s for me on mobile. Appreciated!

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Any idea if we are able to change our username?

You can for the first day or two after registering. After that an admin has to do it. I think reasonable requests should be honored, but haven’t put a lot of thought into it.

Alright well whoever has the power, I would like to submit a name change request. I’ve been struggling for a while now with the “master” moniker. I adopted it way back when I was 12 or 13 after winning a video game tourney amongst friends and have kept it since, but the language of master is pretty problematic to me now (and frankly has been for a while) and I would like to change it going forward.

My request is for the screen name CanadaMatt3004.

Thanks if possible

That might be too big a change for the rest of us to get used to, how about Mattster3004?


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Lol :+1:

Please turn off the “views” tally in the PM window. I like to go back and listen to Walrus submissions but don’t want to look like a maniac when microbet sees that I’ve viewed our two-word PM discussion 25 times or whatever,


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lol I’ve used them as a play list for my awesome selections, I have like 30 views in all my submissions

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How long can I edit a post in a DM?

I’m helping @pyatnitski in his anonymous walrus and want to send him the entries as they come in. It would be helpful if I could just add them to one post in a DM so they’re all in one place.


I believe it’s the same as regular posts. We’re still at 60 minutes because there was never a consensus reached for any change, but you can make any post into a wiki and it’s editable forever.

Wait no, that’s wrong. It was changed. It’s now 30 days for TL2 and above. The 60 minute window only applies to new users.

This should work well then. Thank you

I can’t figure out how to disable my Walrus flair. Any help?

I think flair is associated with groups. Maybe if you unjoin the WalrusMaster group, it will revert to the flair from your previous Bernie Bro group.

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getting this error message when I try to load the Iowa thread in Chrome

No matter how many time I press OK it won’t close, and the page won’t load

What theme are you using?