Help Desk

Oh wow, noodled around a bit more and check this out:

Refresh the page on mobile, comes up with the tweet and the video with a circular grey spot with a white play arrow in the middle. If I tap the arrow, GWB starts talking, but the video never moves off the first frame.

If I tap in the video window anywhere BUT the arrow in the middle, it starts playing normally. Isn’t technology fun?!

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i’m using Discourse Dark but i am not seeing the thread title on top. it’s just black.

You’re in desktop view. Under the hamburger menu select Mobile View at the bottom right of the menu


Tweets stopped loading for me when I post them


The bot reporter thread lets us see that Tweets embedded properly 7 hours ago and stopped working correctly ~5 hours ago.

Could be twitter’s changed something and discourse will need to patch it, or could be something with our Twitter authorization key. Maybe we’ll find out.

there was a reason i switched to desktop view, and that’s to have the arrows for replies above and below. this will have to do.

Arrows stuff desktop on mobile only works on the Light/Dark/Grey Themes because that was a custom mod

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I think I fixed this now and twitter videos display correctly on the old themes


GOAT admin. Thanks Goreo!


Oh my god this shoukd be stickied. Ive been missing this for a week.

Usually embedded tweets opened in the Twitter app, since about two days ago they open on mobile Twitter. Does anyone else have that? :thinking:

I get the option so I assume it’s in your phone’s app preferences or whatever.

Photos I post from my iPhone are automatically switching orientations when I upload them here. Any guesses on a fix?

I have the same issue.

Take all your pictures sideways and upside down.


Or just turn the missus upside down.

Would an admin be able to reset my encryption on PM’s i.e. I may have clicked the encrypt button but have no record of the twelve words so cannot view encrypted PM’s? (newb) Thanks in advance.

ggoreo for admin!