Help Desk

I tried editing the last one you posted to see if removing the bit at the end would embed it but that didn’t seem to help but I think that might just be because Discourse doesn’t try to embed things after editing.

Oh man I missed this too and discovered on mobile I was on Light Theme and not Discord Light. Awesome.

One thing I notice is that when I hit play on an embedded video, it plays the audio but the video is stuck on the first frame until you drag the timeline a bit forward and back, then it plays normally. This is a mobile thing as well.

Certainly could just be me, and absolutely not a big deal just curious.

Not just you.

On Discourse Light?

usually if I put a space or extra line after the URL it will figure it out and load the preview

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Yah, maybe its only embedded Twitter videos. Will pay better attention now, but an example is post 365 in the Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back thread.

Figured out how to link, lol:

No idea. No lag for me on Light Theme or Discourse Light.

Oh wow, noodled around a bit more and check this out:

Refresh the page on mobile, comes up with the tweet and the video with a circular grey spot with a white play arrow in the middle. If I tap the arrow, GWB starts talking, but the video never moves off the first frame.

If I tap in the video window anywhere BUT the arrow in the middle, it starts playing normally. Isn’t technology fun?!

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i’m using Discourse Dark but i am not seeing the thread title on top. it’s just black.

You’re in desktop view. Under the hamburger menu select Mobile View at the bottom right of the menu


Tweets stopped loading for me when I post them


The bot reporter thread lets us see that Tweets embedded properly 7 hours ago and stopped working correctly ~5 hours ago.

Could be twitter’s changed something and discourse will need to patch it, or could be something with our Twitter authorization key. Maybe we’ll find out.

there was a reason i switched to desktop view, and that’s to have the arrows for replies above and below. this will have to do.

Arrows stuff desktop on mobile only works on the Light/Dark/Grey Themes because that was a custom mod

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I think I fixed this now and twitter videos display correctly on the old themes


GOAT admin. Thanks Goreo!


Oh my god this shoukd be stickied. Ive been missing this for a week.

Usually embedded tweets opened in the Twitter app, since about two days ago they open on mobile Twitter. Does anyone else have that? :thinking: