Help Desk

Do you have to opt into French BBV, or is it that my account is too new to see it?

Main page click on the all categories button at the top and main topics drop down. Bottom will be bbv.

Not there for me. I think Z set it up so newer accounts don’t have access. But I cannot remember for sure.

unthrottled. unchained. unstuck.

This was intentional by Z because he didn’t want potential new users scared away by petty fighting and drama. He wanted a place to send some of that stuff where new users and lurkers couldn’t see it easily. Pretty sure he explained this a few times.

I’m confused

It’s just a link to the proper thread, I think.


Don’t know where to put this but I’m pretty sure this guy is an SEO bot.

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Yeah, there is something funny going on there with <1 minute recent reading time and 3 minutes total since joining in November.

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He just posted some spam and is now gone


I can’t delete any posts. Can anyone else?



No one has looked at your email address, but I am happy to delete it if it makes you feel better.

Not sure if it’s just me but the forum software seems to be acting oddly.

I wrote and deleted a post about 3 hours ago and it would say deleted with the standard “one hour” message but then reappear.

It was back for while and even got a response. Now it appears to be gone again.


Maybe somebody flagged it and then a mod did whatever they do, (I assume choose whether or not it should be deleted after considering why it may have been flagged), and it finally got deleted?

Don’t think so. I deleted it less than a minute after I posted it. It was the sabo troll post. I decided I didn’t want to add to the acrimony as my view of him is well documented.

Doesn’t it say “the post will be deleted in 1 hour unless flagged”? If it got flagged, which it may well have, I assume a mod has to do something that then allows it to be deleted. I’m suggesting that is likely the cause of what you perceived to be odd forum behavior. Oreo probably knows but I’m not going to flag him right now. He will probably give his thoughts anyway at some point.

How does one edit a thread title? I want to change the Sabo Permabanned thread title so its clear he wasn’t actually 86’d.

Yes, it was decided at some point because he was unbanned. A log in the log thread would have been good.