Healthcare USA #1

When my students ask about how healthcare works in America, I feel like I’m explaining The Human Centipede.

No it doesn’t. It’ll buy you an ekg though.

Yes it does, but at a hospital after an ambulance ride.

No way that will work. Tell them they’re out of network.

Lol no it doesn’t. Think I would know.

What the hell do you know about emergency medicine, there, CoffeeNeeding guy?

I guess a lot of us are getting old. So yeah if you’re 40+ clutching your chest maybe. But it won’t go particularly well when we insist on labs and hours in the ER because triage says chest pain.

ETA: lots of places will see ambulances first, but better run shops will triage ambulance patients too

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Never mind the potential out of pocket costs.

I remember reading about a scam that a guy would pull where he needed to get to the county hospital for a just a routine outpatient appointment, but transportation was inconvenient. So he would fake some sort of emergency to get an ambulance to come get them and take them to the hospital. Once there, he would miraculously recover and just walk out of the ER to wherever his appointment was.

Not sure how true this is or exactly how he would avoid the ambulance bill.

I’m guessing if he didn’t have any transportation he didn’t particularly care about his credit.

I’ve worked in places with patients who had 300+ visits per year. The computer would struggle every time you opened their chart.

Yeah, telling the bill collectors to fuck off will definitely work quite well for some.

It would be funny if they wound up at a different hospital than they expected.

I know a very rich lawyer, at least 8 figures. He refuses to pay any medical bills. He says that’s what insurance is for. He just doesn’t pay them. He has terrible credit but doesn’t give a fuck. It works out pretty well for him. I’m sure he has all of his assets shielded somehow, either in his daughters name or some other entity.

And because irony is dead, he of course is a right wing derper, and probably loses his mind at the suggestion of medicare for all, or the rich actually paying taxes.

It is very difficult to shield everything from creditors. I guess it is state-dependent, though, so maybe it’s easier where he is. If he has good insurance, his bills are most likely for amounts that no one can really be arsed up to go HAM on.

National Guard being brought in as scabs

“Never in my wildest dreams,” he said as he completed his two-week training course at Madison Area Technical College in Wisconsin on Friday.

Is this all the training they are getting?

That’s not as unreasonable as it seems. CNA is a 6 week course in normal times in Wisconsin

In long term care in Texas they use people off the street with no training at all… and they’re currently paying 3 bucks an hour less than fast food drive thrus and retail stores.

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