Healthcare USA #1

A quick search suggests that some states are looking at this, but not necessarily Congress. Yet.

Iā€™m going to lose my fucking mind. Donā€™t cap CEO pay though!

Cali not always GOAT.

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oh victor like you have shown any ability or expertise to evaluate doctors in your life.

Our health insurance company just sent us an e-mail about a virtual card we can use to pay a bill. The insurance company pays it, then we can set up a payment plan with the insurance company.

Itā€™s actually a nice service, BUT cool system we have here, where the insurance company KNOWS youā€™ll have trouble paying medical expenses, so they setup a payment plan system. (on the bright side, there is no interest, fees, or credit hits)

Problem is the example of this particular case is bad because they saw someone almost immediately and were waiting on further treatment.

If the NP said, itā€™s okay, go home, they would have been billed the same fee and owed it.

Not trying to defend the ER structure. Just saying this case is a bad example as the patient was seen by a doctor.(NP)

Iā€™m quite confused as to why theyā€™re doing this, then. Whatā€™s in it for them? Are they negotiating even lower payment from themselves to the provider?

I would guess itā€™s either a) something to actually try to help the customer, or b) a way to increase the chances the customer pays up. Likely (b).

It seems like a nice feature, despite lolhealthcare. Weā€™ve had three big bills in the last couple years for which we set up payment plans with the hospital. We couldā€™ve paid them in full, but itā€™s less painful to do it over 12 months. With this, it seems like itā€™s one less phone call to make.

From a USA#1 health insurance company?

Are they incentivized to do this, though? Isnā€™t that between you and the provider?

This is so fucking disgusting.

I have no idea why anyone would want to be a doctor in 2022 even after removing covid from the equation. There are far more lucrative careers that require almost no training / debt like common thief or NFT artist. For the 100th straight year in a row, scammer topped the list of Americaā€™s Top Jobs. To add insult to injury, private equity firms tooks over and made epipens a million dollars, yet they knew people would still walk into hospitals and focus all of their rage onto doctors. Brilliant move really.

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Lol doctors. If wanted money why try help people?

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A guy I know spent 71 days in the hospital with covid, much of it on a ventilator. He just found out the hospital was out of network.

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Was he unvaxxed?

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Yea. He did say heā€™d take a vaccine in the eye ball before heā€™d go through that again, so heā€™s not as brainwashed as some. I live in deploreaville, USA where it seems most of the 70+ crowd got vaxed and basically no one else.

Supposedly they kept trying to take him off of the ventilator unsuccessfully. Then he had like a panic attack and ripped it all out himself. And was able to survive.

I think that erases his bill because he fixed himself.

Welcome to Live or Be Billed our brand new game show at Paramount Plus. On the line, one patientā€™s 2 million hospital bill. If he can survive without the hospitals life saving machinery his bill will be wiped clean. If it doesnā€™t, he dies.

*Brought to you by Rice-A-Roni


ugh self-extubations are always bad. You messed up no matter what the result was.

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