Healthcare USA #1


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who is this a problem for?

We don’t know the specialist was just about to show up. it could have been much, much longer.

the fact that it “happens everywhere” IS the point. it’s 100% standard for patients’ time to be considered worthless. that’s exactly my point. if this were an isolated incident then your argument would make sense.


Have you ever met the median patient?


So your point is that people wait to see doctors in emergency rooms

Well I guess we’re done here

Sounds more like his point was that it’s pretty crazy to be asked to sit and wait for anywhere from like 1-10 hours to see a doctor (who knows!), and if you get fed up and leave before the doctor is available you get charged $900 for the privilege of sitting in the waiting room, and that there are financial incentives for providers/hospitals to operate the system in that way.

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I guess my sympathy with CN here is that if you have to pick something about the US healthcare system to complain about, bills sent to ironically impatient patients shouldn’t be high up the list. Patients being annoying is actually a cost burden to a system that is already complicated enough to administrator as it is. I am admittedly biased because my spouse is a physician. It’s very demoralizing to see her put so much work into something only to see patients Karen up the joint with consumer experience complaints.

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What was the burden to the hospital in this scenario? They paid for the time of the NP who actually treated the kid. I assume there was some admin who spent 5 minutes typing insurance info and putting on a fake smile for the parent. Who else is being burdened here, and how?

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I’m spending the rest of the day in a mental health center for a polysomnograph.

I mean maybe the tests being done are covered under insurance that the center accepts but what if my doctor doesn’t? Or if the nurses here are staff from some third-party subcontractor specializing in recruiting and placing nurses in different facilities. Or if food and water doesn’t qualify as part of staying at the hospital. What if I decide to leave before the specialist sees me?

Oh wait. I’m in a country where this shit doesn’t matter. A place where this argument is completely foreign in both language and logic. Shit if America was close to fair it would be insane to have to read about this.

I’m more than happy to have a percentage of my salary deducted for this. Yeah, it isn’t a luxurious experience (beats the hell out of a typical Czech hospital though) but it’s a necessary one that I wouldn’t have if I was living in America.

Acknowledged. All I can offer you is that based on my own limited knowledge of hospital administration these things are more burdensome than you might imagine. Health care record keeping is not like restaurant reservations, its actually a pain if people create appointments they don’t keep and stuff like that.

this whole thing should be that “we should improve society somewhat” cartoon but the peasant is saying “we should improve healthcare somewhat” and ikes is popping out of the well saying YET YOU CONSUME HEALTHCARE, CURIOUS


US healthcare prices are fucking crazy. Too many people making out like bandits.

Yeah, damn all those ill people wanting treatment at affordable prices.

whether they “like” it or not isn’t really the issue, this is another one of those dumb appeal to motivation things that ike’s has been trying here. they aren’t trying to change it, and the incentives are lined up against them trying to change it.

this would be a fair counterpoint if this were somehow a new development, but it’s not.

For the purpose of maximizing treatment, it’s most efficient to treat doctors’ time as significantly more valuable than patients’ time.

Sounds bad.

Doesn’t take cash payments for life saving procedures and insurance doesn’t cover the transplant because the medical center isn’t in their network.

“I want businesses to not have say over life saving treatments. I know it’s a stretch and it’s gonna be a… probably will never happen.”


Congress moving to cap travel nursing pay is a really fucking stupid idea

This is a thing?

Yup hasn’t passed anywhere yet but bills are in the process in a lot of places