Healthcare USA #1

their motivation is irrelevant, the end result is that patients wait (and, incidentally, this is good for doctors financially)

the system is built on the assumption that the doctor’s time is valuable and the patient’s is not

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there’s no reason a patient needs to sit in the ER to wait for a consult for something that everyone agrees isn’t an emergency. Make a fucking appointment!

I’m truly inspired by your ability to bring up new bullshit instead of just admitting that you were wrong.

we’re still talking about the same patient, literally nothing new has been brought up

you tried to derail the conversation at the beginning, got sick of getting dunked on about it, and now that we’re back to the actual topic, you’re getting dunked on so now you’re “LOL KEEP BRINGING UP NEW STUFF”

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Truly, honestly inspired pvn. Never surrender my friend. Never address the actual complaint I have about the article either, but hey you got an agenda to push here that I don’t even disagree with.

It’s not often I see someone cosplay “raised by wolves” to this degree.


we’ve addressed your complaint like 20 times, we get that you’re sad that people are allowed to say mean things about you

like, Ikes, what would even make you happy? You get mad if anyone says anything negative about individual doctors and try to pivot to talking about systemic issues, I mention something systemic like you want and you get mad because I’m “inventing new shit”

Nobody is allowed to have any opinion about anything medical-related unless they’re a doctor, because something something, standard

Which part of his post is wrong? Wait times are absolutely a scam perpetuated by the industry to maximize revenues in an inelastic market.

You can have an opinion, no matter how ignorant it is.

Three different US health care providers are trying to educate you, but you’re so intent on scoring points on Ikes that you’re coming off like either a moron or a troll.


So ER docs are getting rich by not working?

Bold strategy, Cotton!


[quote=“Surf, post:1818, topic:90”]
I didn’t read that any of the medical providers thought it wasn’t emergent? [/quote]
nothing indicated the need for the specialist was emergent and ikes also conceded it was a non-emergent consult

Yeah why listen to HCWs

This is nonsense. ER economics are all about throughput and seeing everyone as soon as possible. That doesn’t happen when things get overwhelmed, but typical payment structures mean that the ER makes less not more when that happens. You get paid for seeing patients, doing tests, admitting people, etc.

The most profitable ERs do this efficiently even when there’s long wait times

yes, if wait times are less that means there will be more seconds during a shift where you are not doing those things. A queue ensures you are always generating revenue.

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I use emergent later as in do they have to be seen right the fuck now. Examples include a ruptured ectopic, generally people dying and shit.

What you’re even complaining about is baffling to me. We’re into stuff that happens in every ER, socialized medicine or not, in the world. What is your point exactly?

Problem is that people leave and don’t complete their workup.

Again pvn what the fuck is your point here? You’re so far beyond complaining about our current model that you’re complaining about waiting a whole hour to see a specialist. That happens everywhere. You’ve lost the plot

I paid 2800 THB ($85) to see a specialist at a private hospital in Hanoi last year and less than $600 for the procedure including a nice suite for the night.