Healthcare USA #1

$50! Fuck man.

People gonna be leaving America as healthcare refugees soon. Canada’s gonna elect someone who wants to build a wall and make America pay for it.

trying to schedule an eye exam on third attempt already. insurance claims they cover the place. place runs my card, says nope. usa#301

I might schedule a doctor’s appointment in Italy because I can

EHIC ftw

It’s only $20 more than a doctor visit costs on my insurance, then you can just take the prescription from them to Mark Cuban’s cheap drug website for the perfect American medical experience.

I remember using Good Rx in an emergency.

Not sure if that’s hid website but pricing my epilepsy meds like that was depressing as fuck.

Imagine having to do that for cancer meds. Horrifying

I don’t either. But there was a brief time where I needed goodrx and it still sucked.

Don’t think I could move to America due to my preexisting call condition. The cost is too high

Half the people that desperately need something like Canadian health care to stop them from dying are terrified to come to Canada because they’re scared of SOCIALISM!

yeah i deleted it already, sleep deprived brain


Looks good. Why would you want to pay less when you can pay MOAR. That’s like rocket fuel injected straight into the veins of the economy. USA#1

Just back from a visit to the doctor. Paid 380 yen.

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Is that more or less than the sushi lunch you posted?

Healthcare visit 170 yen less than bargain sushi lunch.

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We’re Americans… We want to overpay for both our healthcare and our sushi.

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Been there, done that. In healthcare and in sushi, I prefer the Japanese way.


Are you a citizen? Does that matter?

Not a citizen, and no it doesn’t matter. Provided you’re a legal resident, you have the same full access to the national health insurance and healthcare system.


Yeah I had a period of time where I had to use goodrx. Went from $150 to $39 for one of my meds.

Most surprising to me is kroger was consistently the best prices on goodrx for the majority of drugs I researched.

But prescription discount programs underline how broken the medical system is.