Healthcare USA #1

Kaiser is like NHS. We don’t have to imagine what a single payer system would look like in the US. We already have one. And it doesn’t look anything like Kaiser.

Oh damn I forgot about the VA entirely haha.

Most sociopaths hide it well. That ability is what makes them sociopaths.

If people are giving away crazy amounts of money but are still increasing their net worth, they probably aren’t giving much away. They’re just whitewashing their image.

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The VA is also nothing like the single payer systems being proposed in the US.

My Dad uses the VA for some things and Medicare for others. He says the VA is pretty terrible generally. Not shocking.

VA is highly dependent on where you are. There are some abhorrent VAs and some that are quite good.

Optimal use of VA in this case would be get your meds at the VA and care outside. I guess if your part B sucks you could get primary and other outpatient care there too. Never get hospitalized there. That would be a donk move (unless you’re at some outliar VA).

Doesn’t take a PHD in econ or an MD to see that this is for sure going to result in some people dying who didn’t have to.

Going to be hard to truly disentangle how practice changes when you turn 65 as well. Notably found those changes are still present in people who had insurance.

I’m the biggest Buffett fanboy around, but after reading the most comprehensive biography on him, I’d say yeah, he kind of is a sociopath. He’s very charming in person, he’s obviously super intelligent, and I think his charitable contributions are enormously beneficial. I don’t mean that I think he’s a negative force on the world - quite the opposite.

But that biography implies that he isn’t able to actually form emotional bonds with people, even in his own family. And that strikes me as being sociopath-adjacent.

The Neuro Divergent community would like to draft Mr. Buffett with the first pick of the first round of the draft.

Seriously though that guy gives off huge on the spectrum vibes.



Yeah it’s pretty damn awesome.


I broke my collarbone in Mexico and I’m going to pay 2k here to get the surgery done to put the bones in the correct alignment with a plate and screws (open reduction internal fixation) rather than go back to the US and use my insurance to do it with an 8k deductible and 20% co-pay. These are the fun decisions people with garbage insurance get to make, wish me luck!

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That sucks. Must have been a bad break (pun not intended). My dad broke his clavicle recently and I remember hearing that most clavicle fractures heal well without surgery. So looks like you’re a bit unlucky to have one that needs it. Good luck.

Most breaks are in the middle of the clavicle and not displaced. Some years back, I broke mine closer to my shoulder and it was displaced. I needed pins inserted into my shoulder for a few weeks. It sucked.

Collarbone fractures are a huge point of controversy in the bone doctor world with some basically never operating with others operating on a small amount

I had a minor malunion of my clavicle which left my shoulders slightly uneven. It wasn’t worth another procedure to try to correct it as it is only aesthetic and exercises haven’t done anything to correct it. It affects which muscles bear any weight I’m lifting. Even though the amount I can lift is even, the motion of each arm is different because of it.