Healthcare USA #1

Yeah I have trouble imagining that corporate in healthcare would be more ruthless with Amazon than it is currently.

Source: My wife is a nurse in a long term memory care facility.

My guess is that Amazon Care will basically be like Kaiser – cheap & convenient if you are healthy, and an absolute nightmare if you suffer from an expensive chronic condition.

So better than current insurance companies if you’re healthy is what you’re saying.

Obviously we need M4A. In the meantime let me enjoy the blood curdling screams of healthcare executives as Bezos engages in anti competitive behavior with them. The first year or three the value on Amazon healthcare is going to be unreal while Amazon is trying to buy market share.

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This is so fucking dystopian. Can’t wait to hear stories like “Sorry, your premiums are going up this year because we saw that you ordered candy seventeen times last year” and “Sorry, we will only reimburse healthcare expenditures that occur on our website, that purchase from the local drug store will have to be out-of-pocket.”


Dude it is so much worse 4-5 layers down lol.

I’m sure BezosCare will be mega secure, no chance the massive data trove could or would ever be used maliciously.

The crazy thing about Jeff Bezos is he could be a decent person and still be the richest guy on earth. His early shareholder letters were super interesting and insightful.

Only a matter of time before people are driving their Amazon cars to their Amazon hospital to see their Amazon approved doctors who came from Amazon University where part of their internship involved working in India in an Amazon health call center diagnosing people by phone and telling them that their Amazon healthcare would cover 20% of the bill and that they’d have to personally call Jeff Bezos to see if they could get him to personally cover the other 80% of your Amazon-sponsored chemotherapy treatment.

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No but you can get heart surgery with same-day shipping from doctors who will appear on your doorstep ready to get to work.

Just gotta open the box fast. Poor fellas have been in a UPS truck all day.

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I feel like you’ve said on numerous occasions that it is impossible to be that wealthy without being a sociopath. Maybe it was someone else. But if it was you, then it doesn’t compute.

Yeah you’re right. It’s kind of like “Trump could have been re-elected if he wasn’t so stupid.” Impossible to divorce the man from the stupidity.

If the light bulb doesn’t go off when you cross the hundreds of millions mark, you’re a sociopath.

FYI Kaiser is probably the closest thing to a single payer system in America, and likely how a lot of stuff would be managed in such a system.

Service guarantees free shipping

Completely disagree. Medicare and M4A operate nothing like Kaiser.

Buffet strikes me as a bit different.

So, is Buffet:

A. a sociopath who hides it well
B. an obvious sociopath
C. not a sociopath

Do you care to explain further? What organization of significant size is closer? Kaiser is the only large entity that I’m aware of where the hospital, physicians, staff, pharmacy and etc are all under one umbrella like they would be in a single payer system.

If you understood my post as saying Kaiser is just like m4a know that wasn’t my intent.

He’s probably thinking that with Medicare you can go to any doc but with Kaiser you can only go to Kaiser docs

And you’re probably thinking that you were talking about the closed system of Kaiser, so if everything was Kaiser, there would be no non-Kaiser docs.

So, I think you guys are just talking past each other. It could be something else. Maybe he will chime in.

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It’s more than just about only going to a Kaiser doctor. It’s the structure of the organization that makes them very different. Usually doctors, hospitals and pharmacies are all completely different entities. Presumably, this would be true in a single payer system, or at least much more so than it is now. Regardless it definitely isn’t single payer.

Yeah, I was just trying to guess what was in his head.

Pharmacies and doctors are not single entities in single payer. The payer makes payments to many entities. The term you’re looking for is “single provider” like the NHS.

Technically they’re separate in the Kaiser system as well. However, when the payment is all coming from the same place they’re inextricably linked.