Healthcare USA #1

No idea. Seems like the paperwork was just filled out incorrectly as far as I can tell. I don’t really deal with insurance whatsoever in my work. At least not pre-qual stuff

Still though, I have S-tier insurance. Hell I have two separate S-tier insurance plans, and I still deal with this bullshit


I don’t think there’s a tier of insurance > tier of weasels creating new tricks to avoid paying for Xyrem. Although Jazz is one of the biggest scumbag organizations on earth so I’m torn. The hostage situation they created would be it’s own episode in the Welcome to Hellthcare docuseries.


I have exactly one bill or invoice from the hospital that hasn’t been “settled” and it’s the big dog $220k for the surgery. I’m staring at the prior authorization. Though looking at this prior authorization, it approved me for 5 days “Room & Board Ward General Classification” and I’d take the over for every dollar I can scrounge together on any patient that has that surgery. Now I’m convinced they are going to try and fuck me because I had to stay a few days longer due to bad test results indicating I might have an infection.

At what point do I start calling Aetna and asking them when they are going to get their shit together? I’m at 38 days since surgery. I see on their site they give themselves 30 days to respond to an appeal, but nothing indicating the initial claim.

Hospitals have “patient advocates” whose job is to take your side so they get paid. Call the hospital and ask to speak to one.

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Not the same hives but speaking of hive MINDS

A new Star Trek: Picard audiobook reminds viewers Borg drones can have romance - and seems to hint that they can even have sex as well! An official Star Trek tie-in has revealed the Borg actually have sex.

I was wondering if Borg healthcare is elite, but looks like they just salvage your body for spare parts.

Never realized how much of a source of stress American healthcare was until I moved to Japan and that stress ceased to exist. Not to even mention the financial burden.


Yeah it’s crazy. Just saw that pavloid was going to remain free due to a new deal with us government. All I could think this is such an odd feeling. “Free” medicine?

Not having to make decisions that can drastically harm your life if you don’t have a few $ now?

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I just finished taking it. I hadn’t had to think about it, but I wouldn’t have paid much for it. Probably like $100 max.

My mentality is completely different here compared to the U.S.

In the U.S., even with health insurance I did everything possible to avoid an expensive trip to the doctor, including several times when I really needed to have gone.

In Japan, I don’t hesitate to go at the first sign of something physically not right. After all, the cost is negligible and well worth it for the peace of mind and to prevent something small from potentially morphing into something much worse.




That same doctor doing a plastic surgery for some billionaire heiress paying with a fraudulent PPP loan: “Wow this is great. Capitalism is great.”

I wonder what kinds of wait times American entitled mentality would have with this kind of breezy attitude towards going to the doctor in the US. Probably six-eight months for an ENT.

Don’t know about the U.S., but I wait far less time on average at the doctor’s office in Japan than I did in the U.S.

Japan has 4.5 times as many hospital beds per capita as the US, but less than half as many ICU beds. Japan has over 12 doctor visits per capita per year. 2.8 visits per person per year for USA. I haven’t been to the doctor (aside from the vax shots) for 8 years. I know because they just yelled at me to get an appointment.

eta: similar number of doctors and nurses per capita


Japan and USA have very similar numbers on doctors, nurses, medical grads and nursing grads. USA spends a lot more on health. Japan spends a lot more on pharmaceuticals.

How do they manage 2.8 times as many doctor visits? How can they give less time per patient than the US? Their hospital beds are 75% full, which might not be super full, but they still have way more people in the hospital than the US. How do they manage that with the same number of doctors and nurses? (all per capita)


Same here in Czech Republic with universal health care.

But if it’s a walk in clinic, then the wait can be very long.

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It’s sort of like looking at two brands that make a similar product and asking why the one raking in huge profits can’t figure out how to make lower profits like the other company.

This all helps explain why world leaders are all clamoring to get healthcare in Japan.

In the complaint filed on Tuesday, Merck’s lawyers at the law firm Jones Day claim that the Medicare-negotiation program is unconstitutional. They say the program would coerce Merck to provide its products at government-set prices, violating a clause of the Fifth Amendment that prohibits the government from taking private property for public use without just compensation. They also claim that the program would violate Merck’s free-speech rights by coercing the company to sign an agreement it did not agree with upon the conclusion of the negotiation
