Healthcare USA #1

So dad has Parkinsons. We have been trying to get him some long term care from insurance. I do care for Dad a lot, but that doesn’t count for insurance purposes. So we finally cleared the deductible where Dad can get someone else to care for him a few hours a week…

Motherfucking fuckers

Well they just scheduled Dad for a Zoom call to see if he still needed long term care

Motherfucking fuckers, is Parkinsons cured yet? No. Then fuck you he still needs help

Well while they evaluate if Dad still needs help, we have to pay for his help that month. Then if they decide Dad needed help they will back pay us. But if we don’t pay for that month they will deny us service.

Fuck this fucking bullshit shit so fucking hard


Sorry that you have to deal with that nonsense


It’s insane how many of the processes around healthcare, insurance and approval work. The whole system is designed to f everyone as hard as possible, except for the profiteering corporations.

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we didn’t lower your premiums when everyone was putting off these elective surgeries, but now that they are being done again be prepared for prices to go up!

My buddy does personal injury/bad faith legal work on the plaintiff’s side. He used this article in a suit against Signa. He says it was very helpful.the suit’s still ongoing though so he can’t share any of the details.

Yet there are places (most of the world outside the US) where this is not the case.

Seems like given how much money the pharmaceutical industry makes shortages should only happen in the most extreme of circumstance.

In this case we were reliant on one plant to make too much of the medicine. So when it had a disastrous inspection we ended up without a lot of life saving drugs.

“We cannot require a company to make greater quantities of the drug—specifically, to step up production,” he said. “In addition, FDA cannot require that essential drugs, such as cancer therapeutics, have diversified supply chains such that there is not overreliance on a single facility or country for an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) or key starting materials.”

It’s like Enron, but for cancer!

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For 3.2 million dollars, shouldn’t they offer a money back guarantee?

Hostage taking has a bright future in medicine.

In even better Alzheimer news

Watch out for code 6969 showing up on your bill

A final surgery update! I noticed that the bills show as settled in both insurance and the hospital billing portal now! At the bottom of this is a screenshot that includes some details about every bill I found related to my surgery earlier this year. This includes an ER visit at the top that sorta got the ball rolling on the rest.

Here are some things I found interesting.

  • The total billed by the hospital for all services was $304k and insurance received a discount of $109k, making the total paid to the hospital about $195k ($191k paid by insurance, $4.5k paid by me).
  • My total out of pocket was $4.5k. $1.5k was paid in 2022 with another $3k paid in 2023.
  • My out of pocket maximum for the year is only $3k and I hit that pretty early in the year.
  • In total for the actual surgery, I only paid the sum of those last four green lines: $2408.

I didn’t haggle anything and only sent off one message about resolving the larger bills about 2.5 months post-surgery. I got a bill and am thankful I saved enough money to pay the bill, it was pretty straightforward. I’m going to call this a great success story of the American health insurance system. Please Euros don’t chime in with how it would’ve cost $30 total or whatever :laughing:


Well mission accomplished then.

I’ll eat some fried khinkali to celebrate.

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Congrats! Looks like a win to me. Out of curiosity, what insurance company do you have?

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Sounds like some serious rungood. I feel like I hear more bad Aetna stories than I do from any other company.

Do you even Cigna, bro?