Healthcare USA #1

JFC this country

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Insurers would rather find a way to drop people who get cancer as opposed to early screening and cost saving and live saving treatment.

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No incentive to be in it for the long haul.

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Often the health of social security systems runs against good social trends. Pension plans are stressed by people living longer, for example.

Welp, I made it through open heart surgery. I got a mechanical aortic valve out put in, the Bentall procedure, and an ascending aorta repair. The surgeon said my mitral valve had a lot of buildup but he cleaned it out. I feel like I got hit by a truck and am just trying to get through each day.


Hang in there!

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Glad to hear it went well!

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My stepdad is still recovering from open heart surgery for an aortic aneurysm. He can barely lift a 4 lb weight at the moment. But he seems to be getting better every day. He also had to spend a full second day in surgery due to complications, which definitely added a ton to his recovery time.

I imagine you’re a bit younger, so that should help.


Grad to hear you’re doing ok!

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I’m glad he’s still here and I’m sorry to hear recovery is taking longer than expected. I’m 38 and I’ve seen/heard a few older folks have some complications. My biggest issue right now is I have some sort of pinched nerve in my right shoulder which really sucks because Im right handed and can barely move it without pain. The pain killers and muscle relaxers only last so long!

I’m also still on a Foley catheter aka tube down my penis and haven’t been able to poop yet, but each day is better than the last.


Sometimes I think about how much better life would be if we never had to poop. Enjoy.

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Only someone who can still poop would write this.


Like we had some mechanism where we sweat poopy water?

You could have not typed this.


GL, get well soon!

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Are elective colostomy bags a thing yet?

Lol at these side effects of doxycycline- basically every possible malady.

I don’t see erectile dysfunction, so good to go.