Healthcare USA #1

Just checked my W-2, $25k a year and I have a $6k deductible.

Not living in Cali has its benefits.

28k/yr, in cali. Me, wife, kid. Pay 5 bucks per script. Essentially nothing for anything else.

0k/yr, in UK. Me, wife, 4 kids. Pay 0 bucks per script. Essentially nothing for anything else.


You leave a tip when you steal meds from work?


About $2.7k per year for me last year on a single plan and it would be about half that if I did the yearly blood test physical stuff and turned it in to the insurance company. Moved to my wife’s insurance this year, costs will be slightly less per person.

Melkerson do you work for a health insurance company? Your obsession with trying nit up everyone’s complaints in this thread is really weird if you don’t.

$3k per month in insurance is so fucking dumb I can’t believe that’s even a thing, lol America.

I don’t know what nittery you’re referring to. All complaints in the last day are ones I think are very reasonable. There will, however, be a bit of nittery in my next post. FWIW, my general nittery is a prominent feature in all of my posting. Not just in this thread. There are plenty who can attest to this.

I also don’t think you’re comparing the same thing. I think LFS was talking about employer + employee contribution. I assume you’re just talking about employee/individual contribution in your case.

Edit: Also I not only don’t work for an insurance company but I fucking hate them. All of them. Health, home, auto, etc.

Probably not really zero. I assume you’re paying for it through taxes. IIRC, nhs spends about $5K per year per person. I might be wrong on that, it has been a while since I’ve checked.

Yeah that’s the total amount being paid to Anthem for my family’s insurance.

I don’t think there’s anyway your plan costs 1.3k for the year with labs. Is that the amount you’re paying as your share? I’m reporting what my employer says it’s worth. I pay nothing

You’re also paying for health care through taxes. More in the US than you would in the UK. And then you pay on top of that.

general government health expenditures by country

USA in 2020 was $6643.36 per capita and UK was $4123.35 per capita. This doesn’t include individual spending. US total spending per capita is more like $12k.

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yeah my share, no idea what the total cost of the plan is. I work at a pretty small company so I’d be surprised if they’re covering something like 90% of the total cost but maybe they are.

Your W2 has a box for how much your company is paying for your health care

True, but in depends on how you look at it. In LFS’ case his taxes really aren’t paying for his current health care*. His insurance is paying for that. His taxes are paying for future health care and the health care of others.

In Churchill’s case his taxes are paying for his current care AND his future care AND the care of others (I assume).

*I’m aware that this point can be nitted up, but hopefully you understand my meaning.


i had the exact same thought - anytime someone criticizes insurance companies in here he treats it like someone is attacking him personally.

My golf forum is full of assholes defending Cigna, of course

That’s funny. I fucking hate those guys.

Shit, if someone thought I was somehow defending Cigna, that’s pretty fucked up.


Looked it up: Box 12, code DD

My company pays for my insurance and my partner + child are on her insurance. Guess they pay about $5600/yr and I pay $0.

I’m actually tracking all my costs associated with the workup and surgery I’m having on Friday. Here’s a teaser summary for now: