Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

I did podium! It’s a mashup but much much better than Girl Talk imo.

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Yeah, it’s a good song. But I’ve heard it 100 times before and it’s kinda repetitive. It and WT made up the “know and like this” line that separated the best songs from the rest.

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Yeah, I was more commenting because I feel like it’s something I should have heard before, but I haven’t. Added it to my playlist :-)

#2 I think was the first song to come up in the playlist the first time I fired it up and it started it off strong. I only listen to Symphonic Metal, not other metal, but this is supposedly progressive metal and I dug it. Maybe I need to expand my listening in this direction, though I much prefer female singers to male singers, in general, which is probably the main reason I haven’t done more exploring along these lines.


This one was mine. I saw your preference for female singers, but Haken is a very good prog band and I thought the singer did enough with his pitch here that it might still resonate with you.

Glad you enjoyed it! Very happy to finish 2nd :slight_smile:

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People frantically adding up the scores?

that first verse is interesting because the lyrics are from the below video, which is a very different style. It’s an Eastside Atlanta rapper doing this version who I feel I know, but can’t figure out who it is.

Not me

Basically everyone who was already ahead of me I put low and those below me I put high enough to pass me. I probably took myself from 5th to 11th with my reveal.

In first place is a good alternative/hard rock song from the 00’s, when I didn’t listen to a ton of newer rock music. I feel like I’ve heard this song before now, but I can’t place it and don’t know the artist. This is right in my wheelhouse for when I’m in the mood for alternative/hard rock.

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Holy crap, 4th! I’m so happy now!

I missed the reveal because I was busy winning a heads up tourney (brag), but I seriously had been bothered by this choice since i hit the send button. I was so afraid I’d chosen the wrong Toad song (I wasn’t sure if you’d heard of them, either), because it’s slow…

whee, today has been a good day!


Great reveal Nicholasp27 :-) Thanks for bringing closure to the first every Grab Bag Walrus!

I’ll quickly post the final results now then I need to be off for a while.

Our three winner sit thick as thieves right in the middle there, with the GOAT, Sir Pyatnitski, emerging victorious.

CanadaMatt3004 finishes of the contest with a win which is a nice way to end if given the rough start.

eyebooger had a rather unfortunate fall from grace, as boogers tend to eventually do. That said he still finishes one point off the podium with a staggering 3 wins and a 3rd place. Still a very impressive feat sir…

Thanks to everyone who played. I really enjoyed the reveals from new contestants and the veterans, and I was pleasantly surprised at how easily things moved along once we got started. I quite liked this format and hope you all did as well.







Well done everyone!!


Can you please share tomorrow’s lotto numbers?

Did anyone else notice he was posting links to his playlist? If you played the video in the thread, it would auto play the next song in the list that was previously ranked. But if you clicked on the hyperlink to open a new tab, it brought up the whole playlist in ranking order.

Oh well, it’s done now.

This is like the Olympics where the leaderboard is determined by most gold medals, right?

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Oh, I guess when you watch a video in a playlist then the url adds a playlist id to it.

So we gonna do another grab bag?