Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread


Stayin’ Alive MFers!


Ok this is really weird but i submitted an mf doom song and def did not submit a top 10 (at least not intentionally&

That’s mine. I had asked you where you from and when you said the US I thought you might not know them. Then when I saw you submitted Lacuna Coil I realized I miscalculated and was in trouble.

That’s been mixed rather strangely. Maybe my ear just isn’t tuned to the Symphonic Metal setting, but the horns are too loud and the guitar has been squashed and flattened to the point of having zero bite.

null and void whole round and everyone resubmit with new choices imo.

yeah, i mean it’s not in the top 100 symphonic metal songs, but i’m a fanboy of the style so I still like it.

I now see that i sent the wrong link :(((

This was the song i meant to send as i wrote in the description:


Similar outcome; I recognize it’s “good” but the style of the beats and the rapping are just the opposite of what I like in rap. Maybe it woulda been higher on nodium, but wouldn’t be above 11.

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I was madly scrambling just now hoping I didn’t screw you over somehow…

I mean its my fault obv but dude there was a song title and artist in the submit! Its not even the same artist name!

Fine, im adding 2 point to my total.

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I just bring the youtube links into a youtube playlist and barely look at the notes. I didn’t even realize now that MF Doom != Madvillain. Sounds the same as what I remembered hearing from the other video. A better lyrical flow than the MF Doom songs though.

#5 was an enjoyable song that bounced around the top half a lot over the last few weeks. The chorus sounded like The Box Tops song The Letter. I’m still not positive if it’s a female or male singing; I think i’m on male 55%/female 45%.

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This was me. Had you heard of them before?

#4 is another band I of course know, but it’s a song I don’t know and a song I liked. Also a different style from their radio songs. I’ll have to check out more of their music even though I didn’t ever dive into their cds back in the 90s for whatever reason. This is the kind of slower song that I like.


Appropriately finishing your contest with a Pauwl.

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No I hadn’t.

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“Hey Pauwl, how did you do in the final Walrus Category?”

me: “Pauwl”



Dig this Stone Roses track! Hadn’t heard it before.

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Did I just podium or am I getting so old I forgot my song - even after seeing it? Suspense!


#3 I’m not sure exactly what it is or who this artist is. But this is the type of rap I like. The first verse, which actually is ATL rap, woulda been #1, but the song went pretty long and changed a good amount and the rest is more like 5, tho I liked the last verse as well. I almost put this 4th instead of podium, but today I feel like 3rd for this. It feels like a mash-up or mix song and I haven’t heard of this person so I’m wondering if that’s what it is, but I like some mash-ups, so that’s fine.

It was also the hardest to judge because it was a google drive link rather than youtube link so I had to listen to it on its own rather than in the normal youtube rotation.

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