Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

Getting a bad vibe here and suspect I’ll be keeping Swanky company in the bin soon.

Yeah I have a feeling my locked up last place is on the way

2 submission notes said they were taking a risk/a chance. The first was MF Doom. The second was this artist, which I have clearly heard of growing up in 90’s alternative.

But I never got into her because just didn’t dig her style and I didn’t really like this song. It’s hard to describe exactly what it is, but songs like this just never appealed to me.


No worries. I will be honest this was the category I struggled with the most, I had no idea what to submit and this was my last submission.
At least Im gonna break my run of second by one point

The next group of songs were pretty good, and I enjoyed them when they’d come on, but I probably won’t be listening to them much in the future or seeking out more from their artists.

Nice one.

Welp. I’m done. Looks like pyat’s got this.

I totally misread the category for this one. I thought it was basically “a song you don’t know by an artist that you do know”.

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At 10 is a good, solid rock song. In other walruses I’ve done it may have done much better in my rankings. Nothing wrong with it, but I have to put songs somewhere and I think over many listens it just became more generic rock song over time, maybe. Solid submission, though.

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wow; we often have similar tastes so I didn’t expect you to be submitting a nodium song. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Liz Phair song I like

#9 was the one submission that went for the ditty/folksy path.

I vaguely think I’ve heard this before, but it’s not too familiar. A decent song and she has a pretty good voice. But this type of song can be hit or miss and this one was just decent to me over multiple listens. It never grabbed me like some of them do.


That’s me. It’s a massacre atop the table!


Some of us saw Eminem in college in 2000; some of us saw Liz Phair.


#8 started off #12/13 but grew over time and most benefited from me listening to these 10 or so times over the past few weeks. Not usually my style of song and I won’t really listen to it again in the future, but it was somewhat enjoyable to hear in the rotation near the end.


@Jalfrezi needs 4th to tie and podium to win, if I’ve math-ed correctly. @SwankyWilder could still come second by a point!!

(I hit post before I saw Eno showed up, honest)

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I’ve just finished 8th. Slaughter in the disco.


I’m normally a Jalfrezi fan boy but this one’s a little rough (for me). Not into his voice at all.

There’s a Brian Eno documentary on Amazon Prime that I’m about half way through. It’s like 3 hrs iirc.

The next song is one that I of course know very well growing up on 90s alternative.

This person didn’t go for obscure band or obscure song. They went for best known song from a somewhat popular 90’s band. Apparently they released one album in 80s and then one mid-90s and this is from the second and was their biggest hit.

It’s a good song that I always enjoyed on the radio, but never bothered to get the cd back when I was buying tons of cds and not being as much into that style of music anymore, I likely won’t be exploring their other tracks now either.

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I’ve just left amazon prime but the BBC did a very good one. For such an influential innovator he seems almost totally without ego.

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At 6th we get to the Symphonic Metal line. The one pandering song submitted where it’s obvious I’m going to know this band and this song, but it’s good, so anything placing above this I liked.

Not much to say about this. There are better Symphonic Metal Bands that I didn’t list and Within Temptation has done better songs than this, but it’s a good song that’s on my long symphonic playlist somewhere so I hear it every once in awhile and don’t usually skip it.