Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

Is this the podium?

Iā€™m going to guess not.

Oh, well. Poor Nicholas and Seities. Better luck next time!




Obviously I love repetitive music. I could put forward my complex aesthetics (I am a trained philosopher, so itā€™s very complex) which would explain why music demands repetition, but it might go over your heads. No matter how many times you read it!

Anyway, enough sophisticated humour, this was a decent showing. Interestingly a fair few avoided the genres I would have expected, but nothing seemed to totally miss the brief. That doesnā€™t mean I liked it all, but at least weā€™re in the realms of opinion rather than me harranguing you for making a mistake. I mean, mostly weā€™re there, some of you are still getting very few points.

What should you have submitted? Well, one arena none of you went with but which has repetition in spades is minimalism, so hereā€™s Michael Nyman and his band tearing through the best track off his soundtrack for The Draughtsmans Contract at double speed. It was already one of my favourite pieces of music, but this is something else.

(As a youtube commentator notes then itā€™s a bit funny how the audience reacts as if theyā€™re watching a school concert. They barely seem to move while the musicians are sweating being total heroes, and the applause seems polite at best.)

Now onward, and downward to last place!


I was going to do Philip Glass but most people hate him.

I always had trouble getting into his stuff for whatever reason (never warmed to John Adams much either), but I saw someone do a bunch of his solo piano music a few years back and a lot of that seems great.

In thirteenth place with one point
The Trapeze Swinger by Iron & Wine

I try to warn you people, I really do. I write, ā€œmy musical kryptonite is useless indie bands,ā€ and you submit Iron & Wine? Just asking for it. I first encountered I&W on a mixtape and owing to a badly written tack list I thought their effort was by 70s soft rock nonentities Bread. That it took a few listens to figure out I was wrong tells you all you need to know about my opinion (unless youā€™re a big Bread fan, which I am not.)

As ever, though, itā€™s not you itā€™s me. Thereā€™s a sort of indie music that seems to me to want to be folk music but doesnā€™t sound like any folk music I know, and which I just canā€™t really stomach. They look like nice people, just, you know, cheer up or get an electric guitar or a few Bert Jansch records or something. Or donā€™t, what with my opinion being worthless and that. Ignore the likes of me, itā€™s always best.


Not last! Iā€™ll prolly nodium but at least I avoided the mentioned land mine.

Also not last. I actually think my submission will be middle of the road here. At least it isnt an indie rock band

In twelfth place with two points
One More Time by Daft Punk

This came out in 2000, which made me feel impossibly old. That one about staying up (which if submitted would have earned a negative points score) is already 7 years old. Jesus.

In addition to commercial success, ā€œOne More Timeā€ was also a critical hit. The song has also received multiple accolades. The song is listed at number 5 on Pitchforkā€™s top 500 songs of the 2000s, with the magazine writing that it ā€œdistill[s] 25 years of pop and house into five and a half minutes of first-time joy.ā€

I post that to again acknowledge that I am spewing the petty prejudices of a man out of place, but I find this really boring. To my ears this song hasnā€™t distilled 25 years of pop and house so much as mashed them into a bland paste. My wife plays their albums from time to time and I do like some of it, Iā€™m not a blanket haterā€”itā€™s this song specifically. One more time? Mate, how about no more times, yeah?

(More objectively itā€™s the singing I really dislike, which is often true for this sort of house-y dance stuff. I imagine thereā€™s a non vocal mix that I would happily just turn down low and deal with it.)




I dislike putting anyone low, but Iā€™m afraid this sequence raised a hearty chuckle.


The goddamn curse!


These reveal threads are just going to be the revealed posting and nobody else for fear of triggering the curse going forward


Just like yesterday I donā€™t expect much from this category. Neither for my own score nor from other submissions. These two categories do not cater to my personal taste.

haha I genuinely had a thought of not posting after seeing the curse strike again. But I feel I owe it to the category host to rail - revealing to a silent crowd isnā€™t much fun.

Plus I really like Pyatnitski reveals so Iā€™ll just fanboi in here and accept my fate.


They canā€™t curse all of us!


Crossing my fingers for you!

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Iā€™m not afraid of the curse.

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