Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread



I had okay memories of this song. This time I paid attention to the singing and now the song is ruined for me.


In eleventh place with three points
Lost Y’all Mind by Kilo Ali

OK, that was the last of the songs I actively did not care for. Sadly it’s far easier to write about songs you dislike than ones you just think are fine. But this one is fine.

I did find it fairly forgettable, and it’s not the sort of thing I ever choose to listen to, but it could happen in my ear space without eliciting negative thoughts. The outro is nice and I even suspect that if I paid attention to the lyrics there is more to it, but I very rarely do that and didn’t.

I looked him up and saw he got 15 years for arson. That sounded interesting, but then I read this summary:

A local rap singer authorities say performed under the stage name of "Kilo’’ was charged with first-degree arson Tuesday after he allegedly told Clayton County police he had torched his own $245,000 home. Police Officer Carl Tippens said Andrell Demetrius Rogers, 25, found sitting on a wall near his burning house in the 2500 block of Spivey Court near Jonesboro Monday night, admitted setting the two-story house afire after consuming beer and cocaine.

And then I just felt sad.

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Who could have submitted Indie-Rock? Skydiver maybe?

wow, such a low opinion of me. I see how it is. I CAN read, you know, at least enough to read the bit about useless indie bands (an opinion that I actually happen to share, for the most part).

No, that was definitely not me.


Yeah skydiver8 was my first guess. (I realize I am actually one of two people who could confirm, but I won’t do that until after the reveal is finished.)

I’m legit hurt

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haha wishing I could delete my last post now!

you’ll have the last laugh when you podium again as I expect to be revealed any second now…

(fwiw thinking it was you wasn’t a diss, I thought it was a nice track and had forgot about the “useless indie” stipulation already…)

Not at all. I just couldn’t come up with another contestant whose musical taste might include this song. The lady did protest enough and I change my vote to miliboo.

Yeah the track being in last place is enough to put miliboo in the mix…




Don’t tell him, but I worried it was @Pauwl. He has previous in the realms of acoustic indie and I felt like we’d made progress since I put him near last a few times.

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Could be. I brushed up on our contestant’s musical tastes and Nicholas included Singer-Songwriters and gave Mumford as an example. I’ll add him to my list of suspects.

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In tenth place with four points
At The River by Groove Armada

This one might even be better than fine. Just. As the submitter says this is a classic, but it’s not one I’ve ever liked that much. I would guess it’s supposed to sound like a lazy Sunday, and it does, but I don’t like lazy Sundays so maybe that has been the problem?

However, I did read a bit about it and two facts endeared it to me. Firstly, and most significantly, I always assumed the trombone was just sampled and, as it’s the best thing on the track, adjusted my thoughts downwards accordingly. But apparently it isn’t, so thumbs up! Also, they made the whole album near Ambleside, which is a lovely place in the North of England near where my parents live now, so my good will brimmed upwards even more. Not too far, though, as it is a bit boring, isn’t it?

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LouisCyphre gives off a wolfy vibe. He is trying to hard to pin this submission on someone, anyone. I vote we shoot him.

no podium for me, then. THIS was mine.

I struggled with this category, tbh. Oh well. onward!


Grunching. Not last!!11!1