Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

congrats on your win…I honestly did better than I thought, especially since I zigged (dark wave) when everyone else zagged (dream pop)

I’ll take 8th! As long as I’m not on the nodium.

And yeah, revealing after is fine but can we post the submission people at some point for scoring purposes? I get why you’d want it still anon during reveal

agreed we a definitive ranking/contributor reveal for those keeping track

Nice job Pauwl and thanks for getting the ball rolling so quickly.

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Yup I will start a ranking spreadsheet and update standings after the reveals. I might not get it started for a few days though, but we are still super early so hopefully that’s ok.

Does this work for everyone?



I almost submitted Underworld - Dark and Long for your category. Sounds like I should have pulled the trigger.

Yeah this category was kind of hard to comprehend, I didn’t know whether the genres mentioned were supposed to be a guide or required. “Find a song with dreamlike thoughts in one of these genres” is an impossible task for me because I don’t listen to those genres and I’m not going to listen to like 50 songs trying to find one with dreamlike thoughts.

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Nice reveal, even though I fell asleep and missed the dairy-free section.
Happy with my third place, and there is a bit of stuff I am looking forwaard to listening to


Had a date with the TV last night.

This was mine. Nice walrusing.

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It’s likely I could do a reveal this evening. Not 100%, so this is just a question as to whether anyone else is in the wings? I’d probably kick off around 9:00:00 PM.


Not close to my own reveal, but yours is a category I have been looking forward to.

Not close to my own reveal, but yours is a category I have been looking forward to.

Not close to my own reveal, but yours is a category I have been looking forward to.


I echo Swanky’s sentiments, and would welcome a goatnitski reveal.

I echo Swanky’s sentiments, and would welcome a goatnitski reveal.

I echo Swanky’s sentiments, and would welcome a goatnitski reveal.


Ilk be here round then

I would welcome a reveal on Walpurgis night.


Yes! Reveal today, pyat!

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OK, things have fallen in to place here, seems there will be folk about and no one else is targeting today. That means a repetitive reveal is imminent (~ T-25 mins).




See above.

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Very Excite!
