Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

This was me.

I guess “band with lyrics” worked out ok. I was worried you would rank it cheese too.

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well, if I, who also lost to Chicago, was judging, It would podium. But I apparently will never connect with jalfrezi (or pyat, for that matter) on musical tastes, so who knows.

Ah, that was you.
Fuck me, now you’re going to make me listen to The Church! Have you no mercy?

Somewhere still below Chicago lol.

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When i sent the song i thought it was a really strong pick. As i’ve seen your choices throughout the categories i realized it wont do great.

Originally this was meant for eyebooger where are u from category but i realized its kinda cheating


I love REM, though it’d be tough to score too high in a walrus with REM on account of them being REM.

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Ban pls


see, this just shows a fundamental disconnect on how we understand walrus, I guess.

maybe I’ll just try straight pandering for the next one, which will require a ton of googling on my part.

There’s probably something seriously wrong with someone if they don’t really like a single REM song.

Anyone? :grinning:


The winner might come as a bit of a surprise given all the things I’ve said about some genres, but it’s daft to chuck all music of a specific type into the bin, and this is such a brutal experience while still musically accomplished (and I don’t mean technically virtuous) and affecting, I ended up listening to it about seven or eight times trying to work it out…and still haven’t fully.

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In 1st place, “Do You Doubt Me Traitor” by Lingua Ignota, for 13 points

“How do I break you before you break me?” Well. It’s difficult listening but interesting and at nine minutes is the longest track here and a bold choice for a walrus.

Her wiki page explains that she makes music reflecting the experience of domestic abuse survivors and her live performances act as exorcisms, and it’s harrowing to listen to but also complex and intriguing enough to return to. I certainly like it but was undecided about how much for several listens, mainly because of the screaming, but it’s deceptively musical with a subtle sense of harmony, and these qualities elevate it way above the ranks of most violence-obsessed “metal”.

It’s what I’d call good Art by a serious musician, but the vocals in the middle section aren’t enjoyable listening for me - though at the same time I totally understand the need for it within the context of the song. I find it very hard to rank this because the other seven minutes are excellent, and the length of this write-up shows the predicament I found myself in.

I can’t wait to hear what she does to the AM radio classic I Want To Know What Love Is (I’m not kidding, it’s in the pipeline apparently) and I hope her music keeps her on the straight and narrow.



We all knew youre a metalhead at heart, jalfrezi

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Wait a minute, I gave that a first place in my Walrus as well.

We need the stewards to look into this one!!!


Cassette as I recall

Yeah, but Louis wasn’t involved and there’s no rules against it anyway. It’s an amazing, track.

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Have we gamed walrus so that from now on people are just going to submit previous category winners?

dammit, why didn’t I think of that?!

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Shenanigans aside, that was a really enjoyable reveal. Quite the range of songs

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