Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread




I think I fucked this category up. My brain allows goes ā€œband with lyricsā€ and I forget to do instrumentals.

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Oh this is one of the one submissions I really liked. Fingers crossed here

Sorry, had family emergency come up and Iā€™ve been behind all week.

I have listened to all the songs about 6-8 times each so I just need to sit down and actually rank them. Iā€™ll set reveal for Sunday with Monday as latest if the weekend gets crazy.


Calling you to walrus central,





I ainā€™t starting 'til people say hello :pouting_man:


Reporting to be judged and have my hopes dashed, sir.


'ello, guvnah!!!


Ok, letā€™s get the preamble out of the way while people wait for a bus or train here where they can socially distance correctly.

A track which includes any instrument that isnā€™t a guitar, keyboards or drums (or voice)

Make me feel something, but itā€™s easier to say what not to submit - ABC music of any genre (eg that means 99% of metal), stadium rock apart from a few of the 70s giants, tepid 80ā€™s jazz/funk, boy/girl bands, C&W, Autotune, that 80ā€™s keyboard/drum machine sound, bongos, virtuosity for the sake of it, singers who sound like massive wankers (aka Morrison/Morrissey syndrome)

This was impossibly hard to judge because of the wide variety of musical styles submitted, as youā€™ll see. Note; this is a good thing.

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Two tracks stood no chance whatsoever, so letā€™s get those out of the way first.

In 13th spot, ā€œI Want My Tears Backā€ by Nightwish, for 1 point

Finnish symphonic metal featuring Irelandā€™s answer to the bagpipes. I want my five minutes back.


Hot on the heels of one pipes track comes another - no, Iā€™m not being pipesist, ok?

In 12th place, "Itā€™s A Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock ā€˜nā€™ Roll) by AC/DC, for 2 points

Featuring what appears to be a highly excitable young boy whoā€™s bunked off school for the day to mime guitar on a bus with his fatherā€™s band, and a castrato singer celebrating his Scottish upbringing by pretending to play bagpipes, Iā€™m told by people who know about these things that this is in fact an outstanding example of early AC/DC, and who am I to argue (though obviously I will)?

Interestingly, if you let youtube autoplay, the next track (Jailbreak) is a version of this one minus the bagpipesā€¦at least I think that was the intention. On the plus side at least the bagpipes arenā€™t fighting for attention with Finnish symphonic metal.


In 11th place, ā€œ40 days and 40 nightsā€ by Ben Caplan, for 3 points

Well, heā€™s got a voice, but itā€™s one that deserves stronger material than a straight Stax pastiche. This is one I knew I wouldnā€™t enjoy listening to three times - so I retired after two and a half.

Get a songwriter, Ben. This one fails under the ABC music of any genre rule.

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Double bagpipes. Mrs S is giving me the skunk eye

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In 10th place, ā€œHarrietā€ by Hey Rosetta!, for 4 points

From the post-Beatles McCartney school of songwriting, this inoffensive track somehow glided by and barely left an impression on me. I can find nothing else to say about it.


I am a simply man. I see Nightwish, I click the like button.


No love for bagpipes :(

In 9th place, ā€œ25 Or 6 To 4ā€ by Chicago, for 5 points

This is the part of the walrus I hate: when someone says something like ā€œI knew this was my choice from the second I saw this categoryā€ and Iā€™m over familiar with the track and never liked it at all in the first place.

I donā€™t even have much to say about it. Itā€™s not terrible, just dated and didnā€™t move me, with a lyric thatā€™s about nothing.

I still canā€™t forgive them for the atrocity of a number one that was If You Leave Me Now.