Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

3:42 :ok_hand:


Wtf how am I still alive? Maybe Iā€™m not.

Is anyone else still alive besides me and skydiver?

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In 2nd place scoring 12 points: BT with NEVER GONNA COME BACK DOWN

Submitterā€™s comment: Look, donā€™t try to interpret the lyrics. Doughty doesnā€™t even know what it means, and he ā€œwroteā€ them. Proof: BT, M. Doughty "Come Down" For DJ Rap, Revelations | News | MTV Just get in your car, turn it up, and drive fast. Shareeeese!

First impression: n/a

I didnā€™t look at the lyrics at all. I wasnā€™t looking for Shakespeare in this category. He could sing a potato salad recipe for all I care as long as it hypes me up. And it does. This song does everything what Pendulum does in 3rd place, only BT does it better. A great beat, lots of variation, I like the voice that does the spoken word parts. The singing is good enough. I see some parallels to The Prodigy. Top notch!

Submitted by: skydiver8?


yep, thatā€™s me!

The singer is Mike Doughty, the lead singer of Soul Coughing

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In 1st place scoring 13 points: OVERSEER with HORNDOG

Submitterā€™s comment: If I needed to hype myself up before a fight, this would be the song.

First impression: SOLID, very good, early favorite

This was the early favorite and was never really in danger of losing that status. The rest were fighting for silver and bronze.

Just like its fellow podium Walrusses this has a thumbing beat. It has an old-school hip-hop vibe and throws in some electric guitar chords. Then thereā€™s that thing that starts at 1:35. It does not make the mistake to overstay its welcome. Perfect.

Submitted by: Yuv???


Thank you, everyone. I very much enjoyed listening to your music and may the best Walrusser win.




Thanks for a great reveal! And for giving me a nice surprise 2nd place finish!

This was not the one I expected to do well inā€¦so who knows what will happen now.


Great reveal Louis, and one of my favourite categories.


Sorry for doubting you. After my last Walrus I should have known itā€™s you in 1st place.

Like this one - a ton of my cool finds come from Volkswagen commercials - at least back when they were in that phase where they were using cool music as background for their new beetle commercials.

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Congrats to The Suzzinator on his epic victory. Is his elation at first place, or is he still feeling the impacts of his custom cocktail? Why not both, I say.

Updated standings:


Last time you submitted Judas Priest. Thatā€™s why I guessed you could have picked Slayer this time.

never heard of Overseer.

It does remind of a song i considered sending, as a tribute to my German walrus:

I think I did well on your Walrus as well iirc. We must have similar tastes.

Iā€™d call winning doing well.

This complicates things


I like the style but not the execution.

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