Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread


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Alternative metal has some great bands but it’s not my favorite metal subgenre. I don’t know a lot of bands beyond the most popular (SOAD, Korn, Slipknot etc.).

In 6th place scoring 8 points: Bad Brains with I against I

Submitter’s comment: If Bad Brains doesn’t get you hyped up you are dead inside.

First impression: mid part unnecessary, SPOTIFY VERSION DIFFERS FROM YT

This Walrusser has submitted the YouTube version that has a one minute intro that is missing from the Spotify version. Not exactly missing because it makes the songs less compact and deducts points from the hype score. I prefer the Spotify version which is more to the point but I’ll have to judge what was actually submitted.

This feels like 3 punk songs packed into one. This is not a critique, just an observation because they make it work. I hear an oh-oh-ho-ho punk anthem, some classic British punk and some hardcore parts. The latter being what I like the most about this song. I can see myself going wild in a mosh pit.

Ironically the titular “I against I” part in the middle is a bit weak because it unneccessarily slows the song down. That’s strike two which is why I chose to reveal it before some of the others in this tier.

Submitted by: Eyebooger???


Thats me.

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In 5th place scoring 9 points: PAINT IT BLACK with GREETINGS, FELLOW INSOMNIACS

Submitter’s comment: You are one of the few people who I think I could submit this track for with a reasonable chance they might like it. Best not listen to this while fapping as you may rip your gonads off.

First impression: good, some oomph, nice

This is like an adrenaline injection straight into the heart. A short jolt, to the point. I like that it’s a bit edgier than some of the other submissions and it gets some bonus hype points. This is another fine mosh pit track.

Submitted by: Seities?

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Yep, that’s mine

I like the album Delirium even tho it’s harder than most Symphonic I listen to. I figured with you liking metal you would like it more than Epica/Nightwish

Guess I chose the wrong song off the album.

And yeah, Comalies was one of my first SM albums along with Once and Phantom Agony 17 years ago.

I don’t listen to metal (never listened to Slayer or any of those bands) so I don’t know what actual metal heads look for in songs.

Yup, this was me.

I have a playlist I listen to when at the gym which is a mixture of stuff like this, some hard EDM, and some nu-metal type stuff. I figure I could have submitted most of it, but like I said, I was looking for a chance to submit this song in particular and I figured it wouldn’t work for most Walrus hosts.

Super happy to rank so highly and glad you enjoyed it.

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In 4th place scoring 10 points: Brian Eno with Third Uncle

Submitter’s comment: A seminal proto-punk song two years before punk actually broke, this is about as up tempo as I’m going to get without getting funky, with clearly audible shades of things to come in the shape of Magazine, Wire and Joy Division

First impression: there is a lot going on here

The incessant drumming keeps the song at a high hype level from beginning to end. Is it called tremolo what the guitars are doing? What do you call that rapid rhythmic vocal delivery? Whatever they are called those three work really well together. I have ranked this higher than some of the other entries because I didn’t have the feeling that I have heard some variation of that song before. A nice original pick.

Submitted by: jalfrezi?


Holy shit…based on the rest of this reveal, I would NEVER have expected to podium…and yet here I am, still in it! (also, more cushion between me and CM for last place overall is always good)

Also, that Eno track is great!


Yeah loved that Eno track.

Haha Prodigy was mine. You got pauwl and I back to front but I salute your quality guesswork sir.

Lazy pick indeed…if I haven’t used this excuse already: I marathoned the submissions and this was one of the last at 3am-ish iirc.

Lolvariance pauwl podiuming/nodiuming back to back.

Catching up on rest of thread now. Goddamit I hope for more butthurt this time. Especially from jal/Yuv.


Before I reveal the podium I have a confession to make. I had an ulterior motive when choosing the category. I still make mix CDs for Mrs. Cyphre for the car. She’s not a metalhead and our musical tastes overlap only slightly. What she likes to listen to while driving is uptempo music: hip-hop, electronic, pop, rock. I was hoping some of the submissions might give me some material.

While that didn’t have any influence on my rankings, coincidentally all entries that made it to the podium are going to be on the next CD. So thank you for that.


I think she will very much appreciate you slipping Greeting, Fellow Insomniacs in there fyi.

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In 3rd place scoring 11 points: PENDULUM with WATERCOLOUR


First impression: n/a

This along with the 4th place are the ones that benefited the most from repeated listens.

One can’t deny this is a bit cheesy but it makes up for it with a pumping beat. Sometimes this reminds me of 80s training montage songs which is not bad at all considering the category.

With a run time of 5 minutes it manages to walk a tightrope. This could have easily ended up boring me if it is too repetitive but it avoids that pitfall by throwing in just enough variation.

Submitted by: ChrisV?


You know what I am not so sure about that.

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That Youtube is some radio edit or something btw, idk if I submitted the wrong version? This is the album version:

when the synths kick in, yeah, I definitely hear this too. You’re the best! around!


You submitted the 5 minute Spotify version and the 3:32 YT version. I used the Spotify version as the basis of my ranking.

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