Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

I have a feeling mine is next. sigh

I am guessing someone else but I have been wrong every time so far.

In 9th place scoring 5 points: Lacuna Coil with Ghost in the Mist

Submitter’s comment: n/a

First impression: unoriginal: growl/smooth singing: others do it better!?, not that hyping

I have followed Lacuna Coil’s career since the early 2000s when they had a couple of good songs (“Heaven’s A Lie” and “Swamped”). At the time adding a soprano to a metal band was still a somewhat novel idea and I very much enjoy listening to Cristina Scabbia’s voice.

Everytime they release a new album I give it a few listens, feel disappointed and then forget about them for the next couple of years. They just haven’t come up with anything memorable since 2002’s Comalies. This is no exception.

In addition they moved away from gothic metal towards nu metal/metalcore which is a crowded field with a limited number of ideas. I wish they would have stuck to gothic/symphonic metal which is a much better fit for Mrs. Scabbia’s talents I believe.

Her smooth singing parts here are the creamy center of the song that I really enjoyed. I would have liked more of that. The growls are the crust and didn’t do anything for me. Additionally, alternating between growling and smooth parts isn’t exaclty original. Every second metalcore band does this and after working my way through a couple of best of 2019 metal albums lists that were heavily biased towards that genre I can’t get too excited about it anymore.

The overall product is an okay/good song that lacks a bit in the hype department.

Submitted by: Nicholasp27??


nope, not mine. whew. your youtube link is wrong though

Thanks. I copy/pasted the wrong line. If that had been your submission I would have given up guessing.

I have now looked up all the submissions for this round, so let me know if you want me to tell you who each was along the way LouisCyphre.

It’s okay. I’ll keep guessing and wait for folks/people/y’all to claim their songs.

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In 8th place scoring 6 points: The Clash with Complete Control

Submitter’s comment: n/a

First impression: n/a

This is one of the songs where I didn’t write down any first impressions because there is nothing wrong with it. On the flipside there is nothing that really stands out. Solid fare all around. Maybe there will be complaints that legends like The Clash end up down here but these aren’t the minors. This is Major League Walrus. Being better than most only gets you so far.

Submitted by: SwankyWilder??


Unless I had a brainfart and submitted Breathe - I think I’m still in this thing.

This was not my submission, but as a lover of punk in general, I do feel a bit of hurt that The Clash is so low, especially this song, which definitely gets me hyped. So whoever this belongs to, allow me to share your righteous indignation.


The next four songs are very, very close where I do not think I will be able to do a definitive ranking. Every song moved up and down the rankings like a Yo-yo from the beginning until now. Giving one of them 3 more points than one of the others doesn’t seem fair but alas those are the rules of the Walrus. If you ask me again tomorrow I might rank them in the reverse order.


In 7th place scoring 7 points: Sevendust with Suffocate

Submitter’s comment: Am I confident you have listened to a ton of Sevendust? Yes I am, but for something that pumps me up, nothing really ever beats them for me. They are my go to when I need something to sing loudly in the car and get myself going. I play them before interviews and after having a tough day with the family or just need to get going during a run. This is my favorite of theirs.

First impression: good at what they are doing

Actually, contrary to the submitter’s belief I have never heard of Sevendust before this. No idea how that happened. Apparently they have been around for 25 years. They seem to be right up my alley. I will check out more from them.

Here switching between the clean and screaming parts works much in my opinion compared to Lacuna Coil. The song has a nice groove. Even after a dozen listens I was still nodding along. Very good. Once again, it’s only down here because of the strong field.

Submitted by: CanadaMatt3004?

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Bingo. Surprised you are not a listener. Highly recommend the majority of their catalogue

For max troll game Breathe and Suffocate should have been back to back.



Wait, what? Once again, I, the least metal person on this board, have even heard of Sevendust. In fact…I’ve seen them live. What?! you say?

This is because I lived in Atlanta for a short time right at the exact same time they were releasing their first album…and we went to clubs and local concerts whenever we could. One of them was Sevendust.

Don’t ask me how the show was…I was more than likely drunk and/or high.

Jalfrezi would like to have a word with you.


A lot of death metal bands have intense names, like “Rigor Mortis” or “Mortuary,” or “Obituary”. We weren’t that intense. We just went with “Injured”.




Somewhat perturbed

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