Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread



Here ya go

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Who’s still alive?

Kinda reminds me of this:

Can you imagine being in a family with that much talent?

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This has nothing to do with the genres of the podium but still I am compelled to post it.

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Fucking seriously?


Nice thinking outside the box.

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Ok Podium Time!

WTF is going on here?

Who’s it gonna be that gets to sexually assault the poor women handing out the 3rd place medal?

The bronze medal, and all the requisite bronze bragging, goes to this submission scoring 7 in suzzer likability and our only perfect 10 in category fit:

Your submission: ABBA - Chiquitita

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional): By all logic, this song ends after 4:45, but then they do this weird upbeat coda that works for some reason.

I lived in Houston for a year in 6th grade. We moved there because my stepdad wanted to move back to his home state in Texas, yet for some reason he stayed in KC almost the entire time. Therefore for that one year it was always me and Mom in the car, listening to music - unlike all the other times when it was with my Stepdad listening to talk radio or country. Also we had to wear an onion on our belts, which was the style at the time.

The only two cassette tapes of my Mom’s that I liked were Magic of ABBA and Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. To this day I can still recite every word on every song of either album.

So while I love Chiquitita - it’s maybe only my 6th of 7th favorite on the album. Dancing Queen (instant classic) will always win #1, and after this on youtube The Winner Takes It all came on, which I also like better. And Money Money Money, and Knowing Me Knowing You, and SOS, and Does Your Mother Know that You’re Out (which is kind of a weird rock departure) and maybe some others - this is just off memory.

So for that reason I only gave it a 7.

Also holy cow that video is incredible and not in a good way. This was the second song I listened to and where I came up with the rule that I can’t score the video at all or even watch it in this case as it is so fucking weird.

But category fit is absolutely perfect and exactly what I had in mind. It’s one song for 4 and a half minutes - then they just go into marching carousel music or something for the last minute or so. And it completely works.


Looks like it’s me.

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Nice submission

If it makes you feel better the top 3 all tied with 17 total score.

Anyone still alive actually watching the thread?

Oh, hellloooooooooooooooooo!



Ok well your possibly absentee silver medalist, scoring 10 in suzzer likability and 7 in category fit:

Your submission: Matty Groves - Fairport Convention

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional): Fairport in the early 70s were at a low ebb. Most of the ‘creative’ force had left and all that remained was their rhythm section and a fiddle player, and they played a noisy version of folk rock that was almost proto-hard rock (at least live, the albums don’t sound this good). It’s all fantastic (though, warning, their singer had left so the guy who stepped in isn’t the best), but the reason I submit it here is the part about a minute from the end where they do 30 seconds of false endings and drum fills, before belting out the main riff to actually close it.

This was the first song I listened to, and after a few bars I thought “I bet this is going to win”. Well almost. I absolutely love the beat and melody - just perfect, very unique, grabbed me from the first note. The Irish ballad-style singing was fine, but took me out of the trance I was in over the opening guitar melody just a little.

Then the song basically turns into Freebird. Before Freebird. And maybe better than Freebird. Fucking amazing. I bet anything Lynyrd Skynyrd ripped this off. They had to. I mean right down to the repeating bass line. And the stopping and starting and drums. It’s uncanny.

Much like the #1 song, I had to ding it a little as really more like two songs in one than a song with a unique element at the end. But I get exactly why it popped into your head - the transition at 3:30 where they basically announce a totally new song is coming. Just like Freebird. Skynyrd = frauds.

This song and #1 are true finds for me that will be in my rotation. Ultimately I gave the slight edge to #1 because I could see myself listening to it more times.

Since I kept talking about Freebird, if you haven’t seen this yet it will brighten your day:

In high school I used to jump all over my living room furniture in my underwear air-guitaring Freebird - before Risky Business came out. Latchkey kid life.


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That Matty Groves song is pretty damn good. No shame in losing to that.