Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

You might not believe it, but I was actually thinking of submitting a DJ Icey tune, as well.

early 90’s baby raver, remember? I LOVE this type of music, especially mid 90’s-mid aughts progressive house, trance, and breakbeats. I think modern “edm” (since it went mainstream) sucks balls.

The oldest app on my phone is

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'tis a banger

Moving along swiftly.

In third place gaining a whopping 11 points

9 (Remix) - Autechre

This is banging. I sadly don’t have the sound system here to do it justice I am sure. Minimal, relentless, this is the sort of track that would leave me having no idea if 30 seconds or 30 minutes just past. It doesn’t have a huge amount of ‘cerebral shit’ going on admittedly, but that’s part of it’s charm.

Thanks to whoever submitted this. Added Autechre to my ‘to do’ list.


In 2nd place, taking home 12 points and hearty pat on the back for a job well done…

RoeVy, Nadisko - Blacksmoke (Nadisko remix)

Link to submission:

Another belter, completely new to me. A massive 6 views on youtube (nearly all mine). Who the hell dug this one out?

That sound, The Squelch, dunno how you’d describe it. Totally synthetic. Fart in a bath maybe? God knows, but it would majorly FWMH and I love it. I was gutted when it finished on first listen. I wanted more goddam it.


ty ty ty! Very proud of this one. I haven’t got an ounce of rhythm but I would feel compelled to shuffle myself awkwardly around in a club if this came on.


sounds like something off a soundtrack from a bar/club in a gritty post-apocalyptic sci-fi movie. I can see the roguish hero hiding in the strobe flashes from the robots tracking him as he pushes through the crowded dance floor.

Love it.

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Winnar. Instantly knew within the first 60 seconds of this track that I had the winner. Whoever submitted this read my soul.

James Lawson & Phil Reynolds - It’s A Dream

Perfect pace (150bpm imo), kinda dark synthetic sounds, hi-hats galore, whispering sample ‘it’s a dream’, builds and builds to that first break at 3:00. (Time to stop dancing, look around, take it all in, listen to those sounds!!). Uplifting again…we’re off…150bpm rahhh, so fucking good.

Perfection, congrats to whoever submitted this (I think ChrisV). It took me back to some of the best moments and memories of my younger, carefree days. I kinda hate you for that!


Thanks to everyone for their submissions, it was fun.



Excellent reveal for an excellent category miliboo! Great to hear some more of this sound in a Walrus.

And congrats to ChrisV for winning the category with a confirmed milibanger.

I have the updated scorecard ready but I’ll wait until tomorrow to post it so people have a bit more time to claim their submissions if they want to.


great reveal…the winner isn’t really my style (too fast for my uncoordinated fat ass to dance to, tbh) but I heartily approve of your 2nd-5th :wink:

DJ Icey got me nostalgic…gonna go load up some turn-of-the-century Miami beats now.


should have gone patriotic and go with this Israeli track:


Definitely should have. Like this track quite a lot on first listen.


totally agree. Love all the different sounds.

WINNOR. Thanks miliboo.

When miliboo mentioned hard house in his likes list I knew this was probably my only chance in a walrus ever to submit something like that. I had fun digging through my old collection, I know what you mean about the nostalgia. In the late 1990s, early 2000s, Adelaide and Brisbane for some reason became Australia’s hard house hotspots. It’s probably the only time Adelaide has had a reputation as a happening place, it was definitely on the map as a fun place to visit for UK hard house DJs. So like once a month for a bunch of my early 20s I was loaded up on MDMA and listening to this sort of thing. I even went to a reunion event in 2016 (minus the MDMA, which I can no longer touch due to anxiety issues) and had a blast, pretty funny seeing 40 year olds decked out in their old rave gear. I was afraid it’d be lame but the hard house scene never had any pretence to being cool in the first place, so no worries on that score.

It’s pretty simple music but James Lawson has this recognisable thing he does where you’ll get the main hook drop (4:18 in this one) and then a little later he adds another harmonic synth line to flesh it out (4:44). Hard house functions as a mantra, basically, the idea is that it occupies your mind and body to the exclusion of other things, so those little bits of added interest make all the difference on the floor.


Sheeet if I knew that’s what you like I just would have submitted Sandstorm on 1.5x speed.


Speaking of mantras I may well have submitted Mantra to the Buddha by Baby Doc and The Dentist for this category

Or maybe Age of Love, Jam and Spoon (watch out for Stella remix)

But probably would’ve settled on Union Jack, Two full moons and a trout (Casper Pound remix). Remember seeing them perform in Sheffield, UK around 1996. Such an amazing night.

It’s not stuff I listen to anymore and I actually do have Incredible in my playlists from time to time. I actually thought about sending it to whoever is doing the ‘pump up’ category.

Israel had a weirdly successful period in Psytrance or Goa trance or whatever you want to call it with Astral Projection and other DJ’s.

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That’s the stuff that’s right in my wheelhouse, and had no idea Astral Projection are from Israel. Listened to them (and others on TIP records) a ton 95-99. I kinda OD’d on Goa Trance in the end, but still enjoy a listen from time to time.

There is also Skazi who seems like the biggest douche ever but has been wildly successful (or so he claims? I don’t keep track).

Yeah, no. That sucks donkey balls imo.