Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

In 8th place scoring 6 points

Midnight City - M83

I know I’ve heard this maybe once before (I’m old and have no social life btw), and it’s a nice enough tune I could conceivably listen too whilst coming down.

We’re at least starting to warm up a little bit, but still too slow for my tastes. As the tracks ‘improve’ I should be able to get a little more descriptive.

5 min break. Brb. As you were.

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it feels like i see this song at least once in every walrus.


The Bapadoodoo BAP! song!


This was me. I saw this in the other walrus thread after I had submitted it and cringed.

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Maintaining that mid-table-respectabilty run!


It’s a remarkable display of consistency by Pauwl.

Screen Shot 2020-05-14 at 9.18.26 PM

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Alrighty, 7th place and 7 whole points to…

Title - Artist 2 Damn Free -Perks of a Living Society

I kinda dig it, sorta. Not that much tho’. Somewhat pleasing on the ear little ditty, and bonus point for <200 views on the toobz. If the DJ played this (he/she wouldn’t) on a proper night out I’m afraid to report that I would definitely head to the chillout room.

There’s nothing in any of the submissions so far that ‘fuck with my head’ if you know what I mean? The rest from here on in have at least a little FWMH about 'em.

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In sixth place scoring 8 points…

Supermode - Tell Me Why

I may have fucked up here, 'cos the original YouTube submission link wasn’t available in my region. So, being dumb I listened to, and ranked, the Original Mix version (2.30 v nearly 9mins). The official video 2.30 version has to be the woat video btw, worth a watch for how lolbad it is.

Initially had this pretty low, but in parts it’s actually quite ‘trancey’ and the instantly recognizable Brontsky Beat samples took me back to when I was a wee nipper just starting to take an interest in music.


got that mid-90s minimalist house sound going on. Never heard it before, I like it, though.

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Yeah I can do it one day next week

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Wow! I’m top 5? I don’t listen to EDM at all so I submitted the one song of that style that I know and listened to.


Now a significant step up in quality imo…

5th place with 9 points

“Pull Up (Crank It Up)” - Groove Armada Feat Slarta John

Minimal/industrial techno? Go on then, twist my arm. Got me instantly nodding along on first listen, and I quite liked the MCing. Builds nicely and the cymbals I’m sure would induce some rushes. No doubt if this dropped in the middle of a set it’d upset my rhythm a little, but there’s just enough in this track to keep me interested.


5th again.

I will withhold my rage until I see the podium. I will admit that this track would be ripe for remixing/sampling, but still, I cannot stay still when I hear something like this. Which is why I submitted it.


Not much in it between 4th and 2nd, but someone has to bubble:

4th place scoring 10 points

Not a Test - DJ Icey

This is a great tune. Like the raging 303 in the first 90 seconds. I would love it if that were Joe Pesci being sampled “now what you hear is not a test”.

This failed to podium just cos it left me feeling like it was a little too lo-tech, or maybe jokey/gimmicky? Dunno how to describe what I mean really. I’m kinda nitting it up a bit. Definitely enjoyed from first listen.


sure, a white dude you like


Would not have guessed this was you skydiver, maybe I should have after my primal scream submission? I ocasionally listened to some groove armada back in the day. Nice choice!

Unpossible that is a white dude. I have many black friends.

Oh shit, thought you were replying to the MC in the groove armada submission. vnh

Damn, just missed podium

Oh well, only one point difference from 4th to 3rd



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When I got my first car in 98, I put in a nice sound system with 2 amps, 2 subs, nice speakers and used to blast that song as one that showed off the system.