Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

You put me in last place, who else deserves my curse?


lol omg it all makes so much sense now!


Your chagrin is understandable. I, however, grew up with Debbie Harry and didn’t discover Kate Bush until I was in my 30’s. So I find her endearing.

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Ummm, pretty much yeah. There aren’t really any rules about when people can start up a new Walrus competition if that’s what you mean. It’s a lot more overhead than it looks to run one though so there usually aren’t more than one or two at a time running.

Also this particular Walrus is a new format (for Unstuck at least) where everyone plays host to one category. Up until now there has been one or two designated hosts who are rating and revealing all the categories.

Whoever submitted Nickelback to a walrus has some serious guts. I salute you.


In 9th place, scoring 5 points

Your submission Franz Ferdinand - darts of pleasure

I have always found Franz Ferdinand annoying for some reason, and sadly this song did nothing to change my mind.

I mean “You can feel my lips undress your eyes” As my sainted Mother used to say, “That doesn’t sound as clever as you think”

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I keep wanting to like these write ups, but then I worry people will think that means I like the songs. (Kate Bush aside.)


I get pretty like-happy in Walrus threads in general, but I usually try and put a like on every reveal post as an appreciation for the pain it takes to put it together.


In 8th place, scoring 6 points

Your submission: N.E.R.D. – Lapdance

This was probably the most disappointing submission, as to be honest the rest of the submissions are, how can I put it, somewhat monochrome. It obviously meets the criterion of debut single, but Pharrell is hardly a new kid on the block at this point, and it shows. It’s a very slick production, but as with the previous entry, to me it’s very much style over substance. Having said that Harvey’s contribution -just no.

*I did feel slightly uncomfortable with the video/lyrics, but that’s probably me being a massive hypocrite because there is probably a lot worse out there that I rave about.


We will get to stuff I like soon honest. Just not yet


In 7th place, scoring 7 points

Your submission: The Waifs - London Still

Halfway through this one Mrs S commented haven’t we already heard this one. We hadn’t but it felt like it. The song is pleasant enough. The singer has a nice voice. I will never listen to it again


In 6th place, scoring 8 points

Your submission: Mouthful of Diamonds - Phantogram

Finally things are starting to get more interesting. I really liked this. I particularly liked the little repetitive screechy beep noise. It still amazes me a song can have 9 million plays on YouTube and their top song on Spotify clocks in at 64 million and I have never even heard of them. LOL old man I suppose


Yep, that’s decent. Likes activated.

I feel like I an howling into the abyss a bit here but I am going to press on regardless
In 5th place, scoring 9 points

Your submission: The xx - Crystalised

Nicely crafted pop song. I like the way to the singers play off each other. Builds nicely during the song, and I found myself humming this fella to myself on my daily walk.


fwiw this is a high quality reveal and despite the injustice of my third successive nodium I am enjoying it.


There’s mine. I’ll take a top 5.

I didn’t love this one, but I’ll never not enjoy people being as unexpressive as that in a pop video.

Apart from one entry, which is still to come, I found I had no idea who any of the submitters where. With the state of the leaderboard it was a tempter to mark down the entry I suspected, but sadly for my chances I couldn’t bring myself to do it

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In 4th place, scoring 10 points

Virginia Plain by Roxy Music

Now we are getting to the really good stuff – this really is a great pop song. This was just a couple of years before I was old enough to get obsessed by music, and so at the time I considered them the old guard and never really paid them the attention I should have done. My loss.

This also has one of the great song endings of all time. I have always hated a fade out and this song just nails the ending


Hail yeah.

I know it was boldstrategycotton.jpg, but I stand by the submission. Its a generally good song from their catelogue