Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

That’s me. Glad you liked it.

I still can’t finish better than 6th. womp womp

I really liked it, and they have proved a big hit with my good lady wife who says she would have placed them first by a mile had she been judging

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Roxy Music with Brian Eno !!!

I like The xx too.

This walrus is kicking ass now.



Its podium time!

In 3rd place, scoring 11 points

Your submission: Soul Houligan - Algebra

This is great, I love the way it lopes along. The lyrics might be nonsense but this hits a groove and it all just works. I really like the little bit of almost dub-lite thrown in in the middle

It didn’t influence the placing, but there is some other great stuff in their catalogue, so thank you whoever submitted this.


Nice! My fave song of the category so far.

Also, Swanky didn’t include my reasoning for the submittng Nickleback.

“Yes, I know, most people hate Nickleback, and I am not the biggest fan. But I saw them before they hit it big, as the preopener for 311 in the Bay Area. This was their debut single and biggest hit at the time, pretty much only getting play on local radio stations, and, truth be told, its a pretty good song all in all. Most people don’t know it, and I thought it would be a good exposure point.”

What’s a preopener? The band that plays before the opener? Never heard that term before.

Let me be the first to say “you thought wrong”.


I actually think you should be given a bonus point for submitting Nickelback, I wish I could have placed it higher - but then I listened to it.

The very fact of it’s submission did bring me joy


In 2nd place, scoring 12 points

Your submission: The Damned - New Rose

This is just a blast of energy and still sounds fresh and vibrant all these years later. This would have been a worthy winner, and like the submitter says “it’s the debut single for a genre and a period that shaped my musical life”. That time also shaped my life but if I am honest The Damned were far from my favourite band and I can probably think of 10 debut singles from that time that I would pick over it. It’s a testament to the burst of creative energy that so much amazing music erupted at the same time. One of the better things of being my age is that living through the dawn of punk was fantastic. (I am still reeling from being ok boomered)

Anyway a great entry


Nice, my work here is done.

Yeah, I believe it was a three lineup bill, Nickleback, Third Eye Bind, 311.

I saw a lot of concerts around that time so I may have the bands mixed up. It could have been Nickleback, 311, STP.

Let me see if I can find it in the annals of the internet.

But yeah, when a concert is generally a double bill with two large names on top, and a third band that is WAYYYYY less known, I generally call one the opener and the other the headliner and the first band the preopener.

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In 1st place, scoring 13 points

Scorch Comfort - Seafood

This couldn’t have been more up my street if it had moved in next door, rang my bell, and left me a cold socially distanced beer on the front step.

I absolutely loved everything about it.


Lol just woke up from an oddly timed nap. Look down the entries. Don’t see mine. Keep scrolling. Don’t see mine. I’m like omg only two places left i might win a category!

I’ll take 2nd place. You are much wiser than your fellow walruses who aren’t named @pyatnitski:

And ya, its not my favorite punk song/band either, but it is great and I respect that it came out first.


Good choice! You probably can work this out, but their early singles are collected on Messenger In The Camp, and it’s all really good. I think Sonic Youth could probably sue them, but why not copy from certified geniuses?


And I assumed your entry was Jalfreizi - so I actually didn’t have a clue about anyones submission

Bonus point for getting Pyajamara on the b side of the rerelease?

This was a great reveal Swanky! I greatly enjoyed it.

Congrats to the goat for taking out first place.

Updated rankings here: jalfrezi out in front but is yet to do his reveal.

I loved this from their Wikipedia entry

Seafood played as a three-piece at the Reading festival after Charles lacerated his hands in an accident, ending with a 10-minute noise version of Walking in the Air as made popular by choir-boy Aled Jones.

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I actually submitted New Rose in Chris’s walrus. Damn(ed).

Good choices and write ups. Thanks for walrusing…it’s quite an investment in time.

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