Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

2nd place!!1!!1. Holla. Highest finish in what was clearly the best reveal of this Walrus so far. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Nice job eyegoater. Nearly went with Punta Cana, then flipped to yendo a la casa de Damian and finally settled on my submission.

Forgot to thank ChrisV for yesterday’s reveal too.

Nice job both.

Will catch up on the listening when the sun goes down.


I went with an extremely local band for mine, figuring that Stone Temple Pilots and Switchfoot would be too obvious.

I feel like when I do the opposite of everyone else, I do better. hmm…

Punta Cana wins this. Yendo a la Casa de Damian does slightly worse. Interesting video though.

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Sia would have done it at “mates rates” as we say here, also being from Adelaide originally.

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It’s very likely you would have done worse with either of those.

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Divas to the dance floor please -reveal will begin in a couple of hours time















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Category host name : SwankyWilder
Category : Debut single.
Musical tastes : All over the place - Pretty much anything that isn’t Stadium Rock and Jazz. My favourite thing is discovering new bands/Artists and seeing them at small clubs before they hit big/disappear without trace. I did once see have a run of live gigs that went Yellowman, The Spice Girls, MC5, Jim Jones review, so hope that narrows it down a bit
Any other judging notes : A great debut single doesn’t necessarily mean a great band/artist and I hope to find some obscurities that I don’t know but a great song is a great song,


Those didn’t trigger notifications. These should:














Oh man, this category. I stand by my entry

I completely forget what I submitted here.

I felt this was my weakest entry of the whole shebang. Podium here I come?

We can only hope Swanky finds it just as forgettable!


In 13th place scoring 1 point

“Wuthering Heights” - Kate Bush

I think I mentioned on a previous Walrus that the two most overrated songs in the history of music are Imagine and Bohemian Rhapsody. Well you can add this to that pair to complete a podium of sorts.

I have born a grudge against this song since I was a 15 year old. On British TV at this point the only time you could see music was on a Thursday evening on Top of the Pops. The only song guaranteed to be played was the number 1. This abomination kept me from seeing Debbie Harry I will take this grudge to the grave.

In spite of this I determined to give it a fair listen. I listened – it is still a screeching mess.


Ooohhh, boy. We’re in for a ride.


I will say at this point I listened to every song at least four times, so even if I slag your entry off you can be sure I have endured pain.

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Lol if any of you think I’m listening to your crappy songs four times. There’s a reason I chose my category as “song that introduces a new element in the last 30 seconds or so”.


I agree with this, but I like Wuthering Heights. She just screams for a few minutes and calls it a song, what’s not to like?!


In 12th place, scoring 2 points

Submission: Not an Addict - K’s Choice

I couldn’t actually tell if this was supposed to be an ironic take on the boredom and futility of taking drugs, or a celebration of how great drugs are, and the song bored me so much I couldn’t bear to find out. They say great art comes from drug experimentation. I present this as exhibit A for the opposition case.

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