Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

Silver medal (12 points):

El Cuarteto de Nos - Ya no sé qué hacer conmigo

Inebriated: EL CUARTETO DE NOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSS. Holy shit, yes. Must be miliboo. I thought they were Argentine. Maybe I’m wrong, or he’s stretching the definition a bit. If this is even half as good as Punta Cana, this is winning. Okay, didn’t reach that benchmark. Still liking it well enough. This could grow on me. Anticipating good things on a re-listen. Now I’m gonna go listen to Punta Cana. OMG Punta Cana hits all of my buttons.

Ebriated: The reason I was so excited to hear this is because I heard Punta Cana on an Aerolineas Argentinas flight I took in February. It was on a “local stuff” station or something like that, so I figured they were from Argentina. Turns out the really are Uruguayan. Initial comparisons to Punta Cana were unfair. I shouldn’t be disappointed; nothing can top that. This is still great, just in a different way.


And the winner is…(13 points):

Rizzle Kicks - Down With The Trumpets

Inebriated: Pretty sure I saw Rizzle Kicks on Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Don’t think I know anything else about them. Not normally a hip-hop person, but this is pretty solid. It’s like hip-hop melded with dance friendly pop. This could work. Last song I’m listening to tonight, so that could be the reason I’m bobbing my head. Or maybe the song is legit good. I’ll find out later this weekend.

Ebriated: Loving this. Best use of trumpets in hip-hop since US3’s “Cantaloop”. Catchy chorus, cool beat, fun lyrics. Stiff competition, but this could actually win this thing.


Oh, I’m sure you’re right, I know nothing about cooking. Was just going off that moule frites is a comedy Belgian food

Well, I wouldn’t put a spot of cultural appropriation past the French.

I’m going to get all my France digs in before you get your nationality.

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Great reveal eyebooger. I quite enjoyed the winning entry (congrats to Swanky on the win)

Here are the updated standings:

Boom, Brighton is triumphant!

The video is shot ten minutes from my house.

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Ouch down to 3rd.

I guess they still have a guaranteed 0 round, so I’m still okay for now. Not who I would have chosen for the podium spots though.

Well done SW and with the reveal eyebooger - the drunk ratings were a nice touch.


Nope, definitely a camel dairy. Also rides and other stuff for the kiddies.

Anyone want some camel milk chocolate?

It just shows that you agree with us that we have excellent taste. :grinning:

Alright! Only 6 points off the bottom. My goal of no competition wide nodium is in sight

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Thanks for the reveal, eyebooger. I think you nailed 1st/2nd place. I also loved the inebriated/ebriated writeups.

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That can’t be right.


Tried to pick an Atlanta artist you hadn’t heard but would like; they have a decent number of good songs but I couldn’t remember what they were besides this one and figured you knew Freak of the Week

Atlanta has so many more options than Sacramento.

FWIW I really like that song. I prefer the original non-acoustic version but this is still pretty good. Lyrics-shmyrics.

Yeah I almost thought about branching out to the BA but decided to stick with the spirit and pick one of the options from around here.

Since Cake has bombed consistently in these walruses and I really dislike the Deftones, there wasnt a ton of great options. Obv should have went with !!! In hindsight, but I always at least semi-enjoyed Oleander’s non single stuff and didnt know they were from the area til doing research

I really must force myself to do a listen this weekend. The walrus I did, 55 songs, exhausted my enthusiasm somewhat.

I knew Marvelous 3 sounded familiar but couldnt place them.

I hoped for more here obviously but I didn’t have a deep bench for this category so no regrets.