Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

Pretty rough category for @pyatnitski but I guess that’s what you expect when you swap jellied eels for moules marinieres. Got to take the rough with the smooth.


That category tied my hands behind my back. Not much to choose from and basically zero in English. That song I hoped had some appeal on its musical merits without needing to understand the lyrics. Everything above last place is pretty much gravy. :slight_smile:

That’s the best part of the song for me.

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Holy shit. This is great. This podiums easily.

Dawwww fiddlesticks

You really could have qualified it as “hipster pop”. Not “catchy pop”. Let me guess - you’re a big Alex Chilton fan?

Who the hell is that?

You should have chosen an epic CAN track.


Bronze medal (11 points):

Sex Pistols - Satellite

Inebriated: I don’t know much Sex Pistols, so here we go. The songs I do know are fine, I guess. This will be unrelated to my scoring, but there is way too much spitting in the first 10 seconds of this video. Love this chorus. This is the catchiest Sex Pistols song I’ve ever heard. Didn’t think they had a legit 4 minute song in them. Pleasantly surprised.

Ebriated: Still loving this chorus. Verses and rhythms are solid too. This should be easily top half, maybe even podium.


'Twas mine, predictably. You confusing them with the Ramones seems to have helped me here.

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I obviously would have but they do not fit the category requirements.

I thought you’re in Germany?

Right now I am in Austria.

Congrats, but I am a little disappointed you didn’t go with Friggin in the Riggin…

That’s Belgian!

(I think)

Is it? Raymond Blanc calls it a Normandy classic.

Should’ve used a VPN.

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I read that as camel diary first which made no sense. Then I read it correctly but thought that is some kind of typo. Or maybe dairy has a second meaning I am not familiar with. clicked the link no, it’s what it says on the box.

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Hipster pop for the olds.

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Camel milk is supposed to have all kinds of great properties.