Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

Should have sent the symphonic metal version.

I also originally picked “I wanna riot” as the song, cause it was the first song of theirs I’ve ever heard (it was on punk-o-rama vol 1, that was a thing). But then I thought hey, Journey to the end of Easy Bay, what a clever pick for a category about where you live.


This one was me. Basically a song I heard recently that was local and seemed a genre fit for you, and likely something you hadn’t heard before. Can definitely see there was a bit of risk to it though, but if I had my time again I’d do the same damn thing!


Also, this is the tears of Jane Birkin. How dare you?!

(I’m done now, honest.)

9th place (5 points):

Hilltop Hoods with Sia - I Love It

Inebriated: “I Love It”? Icona Pop holds the crown for best song with that title and it’s gonna be really damn hard to knock them off. Let’s see what you got. I’m getting Gym Class Heroes vibes from this. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing. Sia is adding absolutely nothing here. Feel like they could have gotten someone cheaper and achieved the same result. Ending with just naming cities is cringeworthy. Not sure I was feeling that.

Ebriated: This seems to be about how hard they have worked on their music, but they still love it. Good for them. The rapping is fine, especially the second guy (the one that doesn’t sound like the guy from Gym Class Heroes). Actually think the Sia chorus is the worst part of this. Thinking a little below middling here.


8th place (6 points):

Wanda - Bologna

Inebriated: The fuck is a Wanda? Isn’t that where Atletico Madrid plays or some shit? Song title is Bologna, so maybe it’s Italian? Okay, German was a surprise. This guy is screaming way too loud considering the rest of the music in this song. That was a thing. Not sure how I feel.

Ebriated: Actually kind of like the screaming parts now. His passion comes through so clearly even though I have no idea what he is saying (Google Translate says it’s about sleeping with distant relatives). This moved up the most on re-listens. Had this in the nodium at first.

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I’m loving this inebriated/ebriated review stuff. “The fuck is a Wanda?” hahhahahahahahahah


7th place (7 points):

Oleander - I Walk Alone

Inebriated: Oleander? Haven’t even thought of them in like 15 years. Did they do anything besides “Why I’m Here”? Oh, I kinda remember this song. This was a meh follow-up if I recall. Yeah, this isn’t doing much for me. Okay, picking up halfway through. I’m liking this the longer this goes. Probably a good sign for a more sober listen.

Ebriated: Appreciated the slower beginning more on re-listens, and this chorus is still great. Probably why I liked it more the longer it went when I was drunk. A good solid rock song. Probably middle-ish finish.


I liked it, Yuv. But I like punk in general.

6th place (8 points):

Preoccupations - Silhouettes

Inebriated: Unfamiliar with Silhouettes. Start is pretty good. Are we sure this isn’t Interpol? Like, seriously, this is Interpol, right? Yeah, it’s gotta be. This is a pretty average to maybe slightly above Interpol song.

Ebriated: Apparently Silhouettes is the name of the song, not the band. Perhaps I was too drunk on first listen. Seems appropriate given the song’s subject matter. I really can’t shake the Interpol comparison. His voice and the musical style are just so similar to that band. I like Interpol well enough, so this will do fine.

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After not nodiuming this is about what I expected. Curious to see who JT chooses

Biggest jump in quality between 5th and 6th. Either that or between 12th and 13th.

5th place (9 points):

Taken By Canadians - Side of the Road

Inebriated: Taken by Canadians? Can they do that to Vermont please? This is Black Keys-ish. At least the music part is. Vocalist needs to sing a little less. Yeah, there we go. Your keyboardist is your star; let him shine. Not bad. Actually think I’d like an instrumental by them more than this.

Ebriated: Getting less of a Black Keys vibe on a re-listen. Reminds me of something else that I can’t put my finger on. At 2:10, I see why I wanted this guy to sing less. Ugh, whatever he did there was awful. He should never do that again. Thought everything before (and especially) after that was great. Almost certainly would like an instrumental by them better though.

I’m relieved to see your definition of liking a song means “this will do fine”. I thought for one moment there I was alone in only really liking a tiny number of them.

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This was me. I missed the “catchy pop” thing or I would have entered Tegan and Sara.

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“Really like” would be limited to 5th to 1st.

yay, no nodium, and a decent finish for once.

The last half of that video, by the way, was filmed about 2 miles from my house. There’s a camel dairy there.

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4th place (10 points):

Marvelous 3 - Every Monday

Inebriated: Marvelous 3? The half-hit wonder of “Freak of the Week”? Okay. Always liked that song, so let’s see how this one fares. This is fun. Could sing along with this if I knew the words. Yeah, that was great. Catchy and pop-punky. This will certainly contend for a podium spot.

Ebriated: Damn, didn’t realize on first listen just how depressing these lyrics are. Quite the contrast from the upbeat tempo. Still digging this. Podium spot still possible.

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Guessing that one has to be Nichp. I think all others have been claimed and the top 3 are all clearly not American artists.


Almost chose this instead of Oleander, simply because I love the band name. (Seemingly pronounced Chk Chk Chk)