Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

Reminder of what’s going on today:

Category host name: eyebooger

Category: A song from a band/artist where live right now

Musical tastes: Modern rock of all types and catchy pop. Other stuff can work, but is pretty risky.

Any other judging notes: For “where you are right now”, let’s say any sensible area of like 1 to 5 million people. If you live in Boston, you don’t get to pick a band from Las Vegas because they are both in the US. There are plenty of artists in eastern Massachusetts.

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I tried very hard not to try to figure out who submitted what (though sometimes that was impossible just by the nature of the song).

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Just got one quick work-related thing to take care of and then we’ll get started.

Should have first song revealed around the top of the hour.

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I gave each of these a listen while slightly (or a little more than slightly) inebriated on Friday night, then a few more listens over the weekend, which I call my “ebriated” listens (I assume that’s the opposite of inebriated).

Let’s get this party started with the only song that I really didn’t like.


I’m in - bring on the curse


Hard to believe you liked all but one song in a walrus. :bowing_man:

13th place (1 point):

Dante Thomas with Pras - Miss California

Inebriated: Never heard of Dante Thomas. Pras was the 3rd wheel in the Fugees and also was the 3rd wheel in “Ghetto Superstar”. Okay, this ain’t starting off good. I wanted catchy pop, but this is annoying me. This is trying to be some fun club jam. Not working at all. Pras’ rapping sucks, but it’s better than the repetitive chorus. Oh good it’s over. 3 minutes felt like 8.

Ebriated: Yup, still don’t like this. And the lyrics are worse than I thought. This girl is “kinda lonely” but “loves to be surrounded by superstars that know her name”? And now she’s crying because…? Ugh. No.


“Like” is accurate for maybe half of them. There were a bunch in the “meh” tier. The above is a few steps below that.

Jfc you wanted catchy pop? Oh noes I must have missed that part.

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12th place (2 points):

Serge Gainsbourg - Je suis venu te dire que je m’en vais

Inebriated: Looks like some French stuff. I always love stuff in another language. This is slow and crooning. Not catchy pop or modern rock, so this is quite the risk. I’m not even sure I’d understand this guy if he had sung in English. Is this the French Bob Dylan? He’s mumbling like crazy. What the hell is that weird noise in the background? Really not sure what that was. This ain’t winning, but I’ll need to give that a sober listen to figure out where this is falling.

Ebriated: Google Translate says that the title means “I have come to tell you that I am leaving”. Still have no idea what that noise is that starts around 2:30 or so. A woman crying maybe? I feel like I might be missing something by not understanding the lyrics, because just based off the music, this isn’t anything I would call special. The submitter probably thought they at a disadvantage because of location, but Nichp sent in an absolutely kick ass French symphonic metal song to a POG walrus, so winning options were available.


Loving the divide between drunk and sober. As it’s a Gainsbourg track the noise is probably some random having an orgasm.


Madness, this got to number 7 in Quebec!


Also I’d rather have come 13th than stoop to symphonic metal!!


I’ll do you one better - I did come in 13th, with a cheesy R&B pop song with clearly rapsper-level over-the-top bragging lyrics. Apparently Mr. “I like catchy pop” demands poetry-level lyrics and above all logical consistency. :p


Re-listening to 10th and 11th now to see if I have the order correct.

11th place (3 points):

Moon Tooth - Awe At All Angles

Inebriated: Moon Tooth sounds vaguely familiar, but I could just be imagining things. No never mind, this doesn’t sound familiar. Like the rocking sound, but the vocals seem out of synch with the rest of the rhythm. This dissonance is keeping me from liking this too much. This had potential, but it’s just not hitting me hard enough in either the rock or the catchiness departments. I didn’t dislike that, but there is a lot of fierce competition here.

Ebriated: Yeah I’m still hearing this disconnect between the vocals and the rhythm in certain parts. It’s weird. I think I was spot on with my drunk listen. Nothing I hated, but certainly not great either. Considering this is a sound that should be in my wheelhouse, that’s not a good thing.


Posting so I can come in 6-10th again.

Luke warm for all!

I would have sworn this would have been a nodium for me, so pleasantly surprised I havent shown up yet.

Also, Zomg early morning reveal!

10th place (4 points):

Rancid - Journey to the End of East Bay

Inebriated: I know a lot of Rancid songs, but not this one. As they say on their album (the one with Salvation on it), Let’s Go. Bass start is great. Yup, this is Rancid. Sound is pretty unmistakable. Seems like this is their origin story or something. Not bad, but felt like there was more potential here. I’ve certainly heard better Rancid songs.

Ebriated: Not digging this one as much on a re-listen. It’s fine, but there are better songs here. The bass line kicks a whole lot of ass, but after that it’s pretty forgettable punk in a way that many of their songs are not.


Man. A category around ‘where you live right now’, I pick a song that literally talks about that from a band he seems to like and I finish 10th :frowning: